[Chapter 29]

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[A/N]: So, here it is! Finally! There's some Queve in this chapter, so tell me if you want more of that. ;) Thanks for reading!


[Steve Rogers]

    My mind went blank and my mouth dry as I stared at the scar marring Quinn's wrist, a sense of frigid betrayal freezing my veins. I trusted you.

    "You said you weren't in the League." My voice was slightly hollow as I stared at the triangle branded into Quinn's pale skin.

    Her head snapped up and her eyes locked with mine again, the silver dimmed from the bright gray they used to be.

    "I'm not." Quinn growled, anger lacing her tone. "This," she held her wrist up again for all to see the scars while also showing her bloodied hands, "was a sick joke of my father's." Her nose wrinkled in disgust at the word. "I didn't have much choice whether I wanted it or not. Being chained to a wall does that to you."

    What torture has she gone though? I wondered, an ache in my chest. She's so bitter, so...cold. Numb.

    "Sir." Agent Coulson said as he entered the room. "A series of demon attacks has just been reported, and the numbers are rising quickly. Ten are reported dead this hour."

    Out of the corner of my eye I saw Quinn shut her eyes tightly for a moment before regaining the little composure she had lost in that split second.

     "Thank you, Coulson." Fury nodded at the agent, a grim look on his face as he turned back to the table.

    "You." he pointed at Barton and Romanoff. "Get suited up. Your new weapons are in the armory. Report to landing pad thirteen in fifteen minutes."

     "Yes, sir." Barton said once they had received their orders. Rising from their seats, the agents left the room.

    "Thor." Director Fury said, turning to the Asgardian. "Do you know how to use a sword?"

    "I began training in the art of swordplay when I was young." he responded. "I am above adequate, though I am unpracticed."

    I was slightly surprised, but then I realized that Thor probably hadn't received his signature hammer until later, after his childhood.

    "Good. There's a vibranium sword in the armory, follow Barton and Romanoff and get it. You're going with them."

    Nodding, Thor stood and also left the room, leaving Quinn, Stark, Bruce and I at the table.

    Fury sighed. "Now." His gaze flitted across the remaining people in the room. "Stark, Banner, you're dismissed and can return to bed. Captain, please escort the Phantom to the infirmary and then when she's taken care of you can return to your rooms." he demanded, his eye resting on Quinn who scowled slightly.

    "And that's an order." Fury added, turning on his heel and striding out of the room.

    Quinn stiffly rose and stalked into the hall, leaving me to trail after her. Tony and Bruce's muffled voices faded as we got further from the debriefing room.

    "Where do you think you're going?" I asked Quinn, my voice slightly sharp. "The infirmary's that way." Holding out my arm, I gestured behind me.

    "I'm not going to the damn infirmary." she growled, continuing to walk. "I'm fine."

    "You're hurt!" I protested, stopping her from walking any further by putting a firm hand on her shoulder. "And bleeding."

    My hard gaze softened as Quinn stumbled slightly under the weight of my hand, her legs on the point of giving out. Sighing, she turned and looked at me, her silver eyes wide, pained. Vulnerable.

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