Special chapter 1.

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The sun dipped low on the horizon, casting a golden hue across the small garden where the family often gathered. The soft hum of evening filled the air, blending with the sweet laughter of little Kyen, who was running around with boundless energy. Freen and Becky sat on a cozy blanket spread across the grass, their fingers intertwined as they watched their daughter play. Nearby, Freen's mom smiled fondly, her eyes reflecting a lifetime of love and wisdom as she watched her granddaughter.

Kyen, now three years old, was the very embodiment of joy. Her laughter was infectious, and her curiosity knew no bounds. She darted around, chasing after butterflies and picking flowers to bring back to her moms, her small face lighting up with every new discovery.

Freen couldn't help but smile as she watched Kyen, her heart swelling with pride and love. She turned to Becky, who was also watching their daughter with a look of pure adoration. "She's growing up so fast," Freen whispered, her voice filled with a mix of awe and melancholy.

Becky nodded, her eyes never leaving Kyen. "She really is. It feels like just yesterday she was taking her first steps, and now she's running around like she owns the place."

Freen chuckled softly, leaning her head on Becky's shoulder. "I'm so glad we get to share all of this together. Every moment with you and Kyen feels like a gift."

Becky kissed the top of Freen's head, her hand gently squeezing Freen's. "I feel the same way. I can't imagine going through life with anyone else. You and Kyen are my everything."

Kyen, noticing the tender moment between her moms, ran over to them, her arms full of flowers. "Look, Mama! Look, Mommy! I got flowers for you!"

Freen and Becky both beamed at their daughter, each taking a handful of the flowers. "Thank you, sweetheart," Freen said, her voice thick with emotion. "They're beautiful, just like you."

Kyen giggled, her face lighting up even more at the praise. She then crawled onto the blanket and nestled herself between her moms, looking up at them with wide, innocent eyes. "Can we tell a story, Mama?"

Freen exchanged a warm look with Becky before nodding. "Of course, sweetheart. What kind of story would you like to hear?"

Kyen thought for a moment, her little brows furrowing in concentration. "A story about us! About our family!"

Becky chuckled, brushing a strand of hair from Kyen's face. "That sounds perfect, doesn't it, Freen?"

Freen smiled, her heart melting at the sight of her daughter's eagerness. "It does." She took a deep breath and began, her voice soft and filled with love. "Once upon a time, there was a beautiful little girl named Kyen, who had two moms who loved her more than anything in the world..."

As Freen continued the story, weaving in bits and pieces of their life together, Becky added her own touches, making Kyen laugh with her silly voices and exaggerated expressions. Freen's mom watched them with a contented smile, her heart full as she saw the happiness that surrounded her family.

The story ended with Kyen falling asleep, her head resting on Becky's lap, her tiny fingers still clutching the flowers she had picked. Freen carefully adjusted the blanket around her daughter, her movements gentle as she gazed at Kyen with pure affection.

Becky looked over at Freen, her eyes reflecting the same deep love. "We've come so far, haven't we?" she whispered, not wanting to disturb Kyen's peaceful slumber.

Freen nodded, her eyes misty as she thought about their journey. "We have. And I wouldn't change a single moment of it. All the ups and downs, the challenges, and the joys—they've brought us here, to this perfect moment."

Becky smiled, leaning in to kiss Freen softly. "And there are so many more moments to come. We have the rest of our lives to create new memories, to love each other, and to watch Kyen grow."

Freen's mom, sensing the intimacy of the moment, quietly stood up and began gathering the empty teacups and plates from their evening tea. "You two stay here," she whispered, giving them a knowing smile. "I'll take care of this."

Freen reached out and touched her mom's hand, her eyes filled with gratitude. "Thank you, Mom. For everything."

Her mom smiled warmly, squeezing Freen's hand. "I'm just happy to see you all so content. That's all a mother could ever ask for."

As Freen's mom headed inside, Freen and Becky sat in the growing dusk, their hearts full. They looked down at their daughter, then at each other, and they both knew that this was what they had always dreamed of—a life filled with love, joy, and the unbreakable bond of family.

The sky above them turned a deep shade of indigo, and the first stars began to twinkle. Freen and Becky remained there, wrapped in each other's arms, as the world around them settled into a peaceful hush. They knew that life would continue to bring its challenges, but they also knew that together, they could face anything.

As the evening drew to a close, Becky whispered softly, "No matter what happens, we'll always have this."

Freen nodded, her heart brimming with love as she pressed a kiss to Becky's temple. "Always."

And with that, they drifted into a contented silence, knowing that their love was the foundation of their happiness—a love that had grown stronger with each passing day, and would continue to do so for all the days to come.

As the stars twinkled above, the small family lay together, bound by a love that was pure, deep, and everlasting. And in that moment, everything was perfect, just as it should be.

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