The Match

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The day went on as any normal day for Charlotte. Being in the pre school room, playing with the children, enjoying time with Winter and Sorscha but the thought of Mia still played on her mind. Charlotte made sure to try and not interact with Mia, avoiding her as much as she could.

She had managed to avoid her all day until it was just herself and one child left. A parent had rang up to let Charlotte know she was going to be late picking up her child. Charlotte was alright with this but didn't realise how late she was going to waiting. She kept the child entertained and eventually the child was asleep. She loved the feeling of a child safe asleep in her arms. They were laying in the book corner Charlotte's eyes getting heavy too when Mia walked into the room.

A member of management had to be at the nursery until all children were gone. Though Mia was fired, she was still on the bored of directors and she had to be on standby for cover "Ugh how long is Dylan going to be here for" Mia said frustrated. "I've tried ringing his mum but there was no answer" Charlotte says worried.

"Well they'll be getting a late fee"

"Mia" Charlotte said with a guilty look in her eyes but also not making eye contact with her "we don't know what's happened"

"It's been over an hour Char.." Mia's sentence was stopped by Dylan's dad storming through "And what time do you call this?"

"Oh shut up" the dad said grabbing Dylan from Charlotte and trying to leave. Mia blocked the doorway laughing but this laugh was full of venom. "Where do you think you can get away with talking to me like that" Mia said calmly but her eyes full of fire.

"Back the fuck away" the dad shouted before shoving Mia into the door and quickly scurrying away. Mia's ribs went into the door handle quite hard. She tried to not show any pain but Charlotte could tell she was hurting.

Charlotte got up and ran to Mia, grabbing her hand and leading her to a chair to sit down. "Mia! Are you alright, here let me get you an ice pack" "I'm fine" Mia winced holding her side. "You're not fine, just let me help and get the ice pack"

"Have you been avoiding me?" Charlotte heard as she was about to leave the room. She froze and turned around. "What? Avoiding you? No why would I do that" Charlotte said trying to act calm. Charlotte mind started to race as she saw Mia tilt her head. The classic head tilt that Charlotte saw on the dating app. It's like Mia knew that Charlotte loved it. "We were on the same lunch today and you changed yours so I know you are avoiding me" Charlotte just stood there too nervous to speak. "Use your words sweetheart" Mia said.

They both don't know how long the room was silent for. For the first time since the morning Mia and Charlotte made eye contact. You could feel the electric between them both. Mia's eyes blue like sapphire while Charlotte's blue like the ocean were filled with love without even realising from the both of them.

"Mia. Just let me go and get the ice pack for you" Charlotte interrupted the silence

Mia rolled her eyes "Fine".

Charlotte scurried and came back with an ice pack and placed it on Mia's ribs. "Ahh" Mia tried to whisper to herself but Charlotte heard. "I know it hurts but it'll feel better soon" Mia looked at Charlotte who had a reassuring smile on her face. Mia smiled slightly back "Thank you".

Mia knew she could trust Charlotte. She liked her the most in the nursery. Being with Reece for so long, she had heard of Charlotte and some of her nursery stories. Charlotte was small and cute and was always saw the positive of things. Charlotte was the type of person Mia wanted to spend her life with.

Not many people knew that Mia liked girls apart from the ones she'd be with in between being away from Reece. Even though she has a powerful personality and wanted people to see that, she would hide the true personality of feeling unsuccessful. She wanted her forever person, wanted kids, wanting to feel whole but felt so far away from that. She had been using dating apps for a while now, going on dates but never saw it going anywhere with them. In the back of her mind she saw Charlotte. When she first met Charlotte, she got a feeling she's never had before. Butterflies in her stomach every time she saw her but was too scared to admit it to herself. "She will never like you like that" Mia thought to herself.

For Charlotte's unfortunate luck, Mia figured out they didn't match on the dating app. When Mia saw Charlottes profile pop up, she was instantly grinning ear to ear. "Did Charlotte like girls" Mia thought at the time. She knew Charlotte was divorced but was shocked to see she was ready to start dating again. She was disappointed when she never got a notification to say they matched, however Charlotte being the first person Mia saw this morning, made her think they could talk about it which was why Mia made sure they were on the same lunch time together.

Mia was so deep in thought that she couldn't hear Charlotte trying to get her attention. Mia, back to present looked at Charlotte. "Is it okay to maybe um look at your side... just to see if there's any bruising or anything" Charlotte said. Mia nodded wincing while slowly pulling her top up. As Charlotte predicted, the bruising had already formed. Charlotte was shocked at how deep the bruise looked and felt pain for Mia. Charlotte gently brushed her fingers over Mia's bruise. "You'll need to keep the ice pack on there when you get home for a while" she said. Mia nodded softly.

They both got ready to leave the nursery, locking up and we're about to go their separate ways to their cars.

"Charlotte" Mia said

Charlotte turned around. "Yes Mia"

"I know you swiped left and that's why you've been ignoring me. I have to say, I was disappointed we didn't match" Mia said and started to walk to her car.

Charlotte's cheeks were bright pink. She couldn't believe Mia was disappointed by it. She wanted to call Mia as she walk walking away but was too nervous. Similarly, Mia was disappointed that Charlotte didn't say anything and let Mia walk off and get in her car to drive away.

Mia got home, sighed as she walked through the door, dropping her stuff on the floor and headed straight for the wine. She felt stupid that she just admitted to Charlotte she was disappointed they didn't match. Was that the wrong thing to do. Mia downed her first glass of wine and went straight onto her second. She wanted to forget what she said. Her phone buzzed and she knew it was from the dating app and chose to ignore it for now.

Her 4th glass later and feeling a bit light headed, Mia finally decided to look at her phone. "You've got a match. Message now" the notification said. "Wooo. Let's see who it was tonight" Mia said to herself sarcastically. She opened the app and instantly felt awake and had the biggest smile. It was Charlotte.

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