The First Thought

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Hi guys. This is my first time attempting to write something. I love The Nursery Nurse especially Mialotte and wanted to try and write. Apologies if this isn't very good and enjoy reading xx

Chapter 1 - The First Thought

" Ugh this isn't as fun as Marjorie would make it look" Charlotte said while swiping left on her phone. It had been 6 months since Char and her husband had been divorced. A year since they both mentally left the relationship. The way they ended the relationship was in a loving matter. They both loved each other but now in a friendship level and knew it was the best thing for the pair of them. Their love was equally shared between their 2 daughters Annie and Bella. They had split custody of the girls on a week on week off basis and it worked for them. They agreed that Charlotte can keep the house and George would get a flat.

It was George's turn to have a girls. This meant Charlotte was in the house alone, feeling bored, the new normality for her. She thought she was starting to feel ready to get back out there, though no one knew. She was getting bored of the constant lonely nights and was ready to share some company. Charlotte remembered when Marjorie would spend time on dating apps before she met Reece and the dates she would go on. Charlotte, with a glass of wine, swiped left on many people before someone took her surprise. She couldn't believe who she saw. "What is Mia doing on here. Why would she want to be on these. Omg look at her". Charlotte was looking at the few pictures of Mia shocked that she was even seeing her on the app. One picture caught Charlotte's eye. It was Mia on a beach. She looked like she had a bikini on but you couldn't see below her shoulders in the photo. Charlotte stared at this for a while, having thoughts she never thought she would have. "No Charlotte. We can't like Mia. She's done horrible things to your friends". Looking at the photos for a few more minutes, Charlotte quickly swiped left to take her mind of Mia when all she could then see was "You've missed a match". "What! Mia swiped right on me? Why would she do that. We've barley spoken to each other"

Mia and Charlotte had a few interactions but mainly negative ones apart from a couple where Mia helped Charlotte with some annoying parents. Was this Mia trying to show Char that she wasn't as mean as she thought. What was Mia's motive for these little things. It was getting late, so Charlotte finished her glass of wine and headed off to bed as she was on the early shift at work. She got into bed thinking about Mia, thinking about the pictures and the missed match. Charlotte was slightly disappointed that she missed the match but was also concerned if Mia would know this. Charlotte had never used a dating app before and was worried it may tell the other person if there was a missed match. Charlotte eventually went to sleep not long before her first alarm went off.

She wasn't ready to wake up but sighed and got herself up and ready for the day. She drove to work still thinking about Mia but also thinking why could she not get Mia out of her mind. The way her red hair shined in the photo. The way her head was tilted. The slight peak of the bikini she was wearing. These thought made her drive to work go quickly and before she knew it, she was stood outside waiting for Marjorie to get there to unlock the nursery. Moments had passed and Charlotte was still waiting for Marjorie, noticing the time and some of the morning parents starting to arrive, yet still waiting outside of the building. Charlotte was on her phone scrolling when she saw a figure start to unlock the doors. "Finally Marjorie, what took you so l-". There she stood. Hand on hip. The head tilt. "Mia! What are you doing here. Where's Marjorie?" Charlotte said shocked. Mia smiled to see Charlotte not to impressed to see her standing there, "Reecey and Marjorie had to go for a meeting, so I am covering at the nursery today. I hope you're not going to keep that shocked face on you. It's only me, you look like you've seen a ghost". Charlotte swallowed "I uh.." "Cat caught your tongue" Mia quickly said to Charlotte. "Let's get inside before the parents start shouting". Charlotte nodded her head and went to open the door when her hand brushed Mia's as she also went to open to door. As their hands brushed, they made eye contact. Staring into each others eyes hands still touching, it could have been minutes, seconds, but the moment was quickly vanished by a parent asking when can they be let in. Charlotte hastily opened the door and let herself and Mia in and set the rooms up ready for the morning children to come in.

AN - I hope you enjoyed reading this beginning of Mialotte and I hope you continue with the rest of the story when I post 😊

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