I'm Here For You

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Thank you all for 100 views! I am so appreciative and happy there are some of you enjoying the story. I know I'm not the best writer, but I am so grateful you are still reading. I am now back from holiday so will be able to update the story more often :)

Enjoying reading!

It was around midday and Charlotte started to wake up. She and Mia hadn't moved positions since they fell asleep hours earlier. "Oh Amelia. What's going on in that head of yours" Charlotte thought as she looked at Mia and kissed her head. Mia was in a deep sleep, slightly snoring which made Charlotte smile. She held Charlotte tight around her waist, and every time Char tried to move, she would tighten the hold. Charlotte managed to reach for her phone and scroll while Mia slept.

About an hour later, Mia let go of Charlotte slightly, so Charlotte managed to slide out of the bed. She tucked Mia into the duvet, so she still felt like someone was holding her and went downstairs. Charlotte decided she would make them both some lunch, hoping it would make Mia feel a bit better whilst also helping her own hunger. Charlotte went into the kitchen and rummaged through the fridge and cupboards. She was impressed at how organised Mia has everything. Everything was labelled and was in order of when things expired. She wasn't sure what Mia would like, so decided to keep it simple and make some sandwiches. There was a radio in the kitchen so Charlotte switched it on and to her luck Girls Aloud were playing, one of her favourite girl groups.

Meanwhile, Mia began to stir and woke up with her head absolutely pounding. She couldn't remember much of what happened last night, which was what would happen most mornings. She was confused on why she could hear music from her kitchen. She didn't often use her radio but decided she must've turned it on last night and left it on. She reached for her phone and saw it was 2pm. She swiped up and saw that her call to Char was left open on the screen. Then it came back to her. Charlotte came round to help Mia. Charlotte is downstairs with the radio on. Mia smiled at the thought of Charlotte downstairs and thought she'd go and meet her. She slowly got out of the bed and held her head as she was feeling dizzy.

Mia made her way downstairs, holding onto something the entire time. Mid way down the stairs, she felt dizzy and had to sit on the stairs for a minute until her sight became clear again. She continued to make her way down the stairs and stood in the doorway to the kitchen and smiled.

Charlotte didn't hear Mia come down the stairs because she was in her own world listening to Girls Aloud. She was swaying her hips side to side while making sandwiches and was singing her heart out. She wanted to put effort into these sandwiches, cutting them into triangles and stacking up and neatly presenting them onto plates.

Mia watched this and knew this was the women for her. She could see the effort Char was putting in. For her to do this for Mia, even when she was "the mean readhead", was something Mia always wanted.

Charlotte turned around was surprised. "Mia! You scared me... umm how long have you been stood there?"

Mia smiled "Enough to know you have hips like Shakira sweetheart. And enough to tell you love Girls Aloud".

Charlottes cheeks went pink. "I've umm made some lunch. For us" Charlotte said to change the subject. Mia smiled "it looks lovely sweetheart". 

Mia's smile went as she fell into the wall, catching herself on the doorway. Charlotte ran over to catch Mia "Mia! Are you alright. Here c'mon" Charlotte took Mia's hand and dragged her to the sofa and gently sat her down. She sat down next to her holding and rubbing her hand. "Mia..."

Mia interrupted "Char. Thank you for coming over last night and staying with me. I really appreciated it even if I don't remember much of it. I know you will want to know why I was that drunk but I'm just not ready to let out that conversation yet. I'm sorry for being a pain. I vaguely remember shouting at you. I'm really sorry. I didn't mean to do that. I would never mean that. Not to you. I would never shout at you. I'm so sor" Mia's breathing was getting faster as if she was starting to have a panic attack.

Charlotte pulled Mia in for a hug. Placing her head on her chest just like she did last night. Mia instantly begins to calm down listening to Charlotte's heartbeat. She briefly remembered Charlotte doing the same last night and it was soothing to her that the thought of it calmed her. The smell of Char's perfume still on her neck and her heart beating so calmly made Mia think that Charlotte felt comfortable around her too.

Mia sat up, smiled and hugged Charlotte. This time so Charlotte was held. Charlotte hadn't been hugged like this in so long that she was starting to feel emotional but didn't let that show on her face. She just thought it. They pulled at and Mia got up and grabbed the plates from the kitchen and sat back down next to Charlotte. "Shall we watch something" Mia said handing a plate to Charlotte. Charlotte smiled and suggested Friends. Mia laughed and rolled her eyes "please don't say you like Friends Char". Charlotte laughed "It's my comfort show. I watch it to feel better. I want you to feel better" Mia was speechless and sat down.

Charlotte turned to Mia "You don't need to tell anything you're not ready for Mia. I will be here for you. You can call me at any time, and we can talk you know. I don't care if it's the middle of the night or on a random Wednesday. I will be here for you"

Mia smiled "Thank you Charlotte", and then laughed. Charlotte looking confused "what?" she said. Mia stopped laughing "Does this count as our first date?". Charlotte started to laugh "I mean we did match after all". They both giggled as they ate their sandwiches and watched Friends before snuggling onto the sofa. 

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