Let Me Help

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Charlotte drove to Mia's as quick as she could. Luckily she only lived 10 minutes away so she didn't have a long drive ahead of her. She parked up and ran to the door in hopes Mia had unlocked it. As she was about to push the handle, she could hear cries on the other side of the door. Charlotte opened the door and her eyes instantly became teary. Mia was on the floor curled up in a ball crying. No one had ever seen this side of Mia, apart from Roger, who had absolutely no cares for her. Why was Roger the only one to have seen her like this before. What had happened for Roger to see her like this.

Charlotte's mum instincts came through. She sat on the floor next to Mia and cradled her. She placed Mia's head on her chest and held her as tight as she could, gently rocking her and rubbing her head. "Shhh shhh Mia, that's it calm down. I've got you. I'm not going anywhere" Charlotte was whispering to Mia to help soothe her.

Mia and Charlotte were sat at the door for over an hour when Mia finally started calming down. From the crying, Mia was so exhausted, she was nearly falling asleep on Charlotte. "C'mon. Let's take you to bed" Charlotte whispered to Mia. Charlotte managed to get Mia onto her feet, though Mia couldn't keep her balance, nearly falling over. Charlotte grabbed Mia's arm and put it around her shoulder slowly getting Mia up the stairs and into her bedroom. As they entered, on her bedside table, Charlotte saw the 2 empty wine bottles. Mia was still in her clothes from during the day and Charlotte knew she'd feel better in some comfy clothes. Charlotte got a baggy T-shirt and some shorts out of the draw and placed them next to Mia.

"Mia, change into these clothes. You'll feel a lot more comfortable"

"I'm fine.............I'm not fine" Mia clenched her stomach and rang to the bathroom. Charlotte following right behind her.

Mia wrapped herself around the toilet. Charlotte holding her hair and rubbing her back. "That's it. Get it all out. Good girl". Once Charlotte knew that Mia was finished at the toilet, she got her back onto the bed. She knew Mia wasn't going change herself into the clean clothes. "Mia, can I help you change. You'll feel better in clean clothes". Mia simply nodded. She was finally starting to sober up and began to realise what was actually happening. "Charlotte has come to help. Why did she think I needed help. How did she know what I was doing" Mia thought to herself, still unaware she sent the voicemail.

"Let's change your top first" Charlotte said to Mia. She slowly grabbed the bottom of the shirt and helped Mia take it off, also having a quick check on the bruise from earlier. She could see the bruise had gotten worse. She kissed her fingers and placed her fingers on the bruise. Mia winced to begin with, but straight away felt soothed that Charlotte wanted the pain to go. There was silence in the bedroom but not with awkwardness. Just perfect silence while one person helps another. Mia smiled at Charlotte and Charlotte was smiling back. Charlotte grabbed the clean t shirt and helped Mia put it on over her and laid her back down.

"Shall we get you into some shorts?" Charlotte suggested to Mia. Mia's eyes widened and suddenly she felt wide awake "I'll do it" Mia said quickly. Charlotte looked confused. "Oh alright, can you manage". While Charlotte meant this in a loving matter, Mia didn't take it that way. "Yes Charlotte, I can do things for myself"

"That's not what I meant Mia. I'm just trying to help you"

"Well I don't need any help Charlotte, I've been fine all this time. I don't suddenly need help now"

"Mia. I..."

"Can you just leave please. I don't need any help" Mia raised her voice

Charlotte looked upset and left the bedroom, respecting Mia's wishes. She decided to wait outside the door just in case Mia called her back. Mia instantly regretted the way she spoke to Charlotte. She knew it was the alcohol talking and hoped Charlotte knew that. Mia quickly changed into the shorts and ran to the door, when she realised Charlotte waited for her outside the bedroom. Mia slowly opened the door and her and Charlotte made eye contact. Mia began to tear up again as the pain in her ribs was starting to kick in again but more so for the way she just spoke to Charlotte.

"I'm so sorry. I'm really sorry" Mia cries to Charlotte. Charlotte pulls Mia in for a tight hug. "Mia. Don't worry. It's alright. Shh. I'm here. It's alright".

Charlotte wasn't sure why Mia was upset but knew it was more than just her bruise. "Mia, you must be tired. Let's get you to bed" Charlotte said to Mia while still in a tight embrace. Mia had her head nuzzled in Charlotte's shoulder. She picked her head up to look at Charlotte before answering her "Will you stay with me" Mia said shyly and looked down to the floor. It was nearly 6 am and they both needed some sleep. "Of course I will. Let's get to bed".

Charlotte led Mia to the bed and helped her in before getting in on the other side. Mia turned around to face Charlotte and looked into her eyes. Charlotte could see Mia wanted to ask her something. "Do you want to cuddle Mia?" Mia, still looking into Charlotte's eyes nodded. Charlotte opened out her arms so Mia could snuggle into her. She held Mia tight while stroking her hair. Mia felt so relaxed and safe in Charlotte's arms. She hadn't felt this emotion in so long and couldn't believe someone wanted to help her. Mia listened to Charlotte's steady heartbeat. "Thank you Charlotte" Mia whispered. Charlotte  smiled and kissed the top of Mia's head. She waited till Mia felt heavy and knew she was asleep before falling asleep herself. As the morning sun started to shine through the curtains. The two had one of the best sleeps either one has had in months, together, wrapped in each others embrace.

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