[36] : Spar with Hyakushiki Kannon, Reunion in Heaven's Arena!

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Slowly opening his eyes and looking at the dojo before him, Mika's gaze remained calm and steady.

Awakening from his meditation, Mika quietly stood up.

At that moment, the energy flowing through him was as vast as the ocean, yet as calm as a windless sea.

It had been over two months since the end of the Hunter Exam.

During this time, Mika had been studying under Netero for over two months.

In these two months, Mika not only mastered the four major principles of Nen but also became proficient in their applied techniques.

"What an enviable talent. In just over two months, I have nothing left to teach you. From now on, your training will rely on your own efforts."

Netero stroked his beard, a satisfied smile on his face.

During this training period, using the excuse of tracking Mika's progress, Netero and Mika engaged in dozens of battles of varying sizes.

From initially being on the defensive to now barely holding his own, Mika's progress in martial arts was as rapid as his mastery of Nen.

Though Mika had yet to meet Netero's expectation of an all-out battle, the thrill of a fight without using Nen was something Netero had not felt in a long time.

This undoubtedly made him very satisfied.

"Thank you for your guidance, Chairman. Without it, I wouldn't have grown so quickly."

Mika was very grateful for Netero's teachings.

Netero was Mika's third teacher, following Yahweh and Sakonji Urokodaki, and Mika would never forget his kindness.

"Haha, I just did what I wanted to do."

"But it is indeed time to part ways. I have left the Association's matters to others for too long. If I don't return soon, they might come looking for me."

With his hands behind his back, Netero casually asked, "Are you heading to the Heaven's Arena next? Finding suitable opponents there won't be easy."

"I have no particular interest in the Heaven's Arena. I'm just going there to find someone."

Two months ago, upon learning of Killua's departure, Gon decided to go to Killua's home.

Concerned for his safety, Kurapika and Leorio followed.

Along with them were Mellie and Airmid.

After spending time together, Mellie and Airmid had come to consider Gon a friend. With their friend in trouble, how could they refuse to help?

Besides, they were still curious about this new world.

Thus, they planned to go on a trip.

Mika, unable to go with them due to Netero's training, had given them his Level 1 longsword for protection.

They agreed to meet at the Heaven's Arena.

Now, with Mika's training completed, it was time to reunite with them.

"I see."

Netero nodded slightly, then smiled.

"Is there anything you want to say before we part?"

Hearing this, Mika's expression became serious. He then earnestly said, "I want to spar with your Nen ability."

"Just as I hoped!"

A smile quickly spread across Netero's face.

With a clap of his hands, a massive golden statue of a thousand-armed Kannon appeared behind him.

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