invisible steel

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I come from a long line of women
That are strong
On the inside and out
Made of invisible steel.

One of my favorites is long gone
Left her name to live on
In a little girl
That before she was born lit up my world
Curly brown hair
Big brown eyes
Just like mine
A smile a mile wide
A heart made of gold
The most beautiful girl I know
Another girl in that line
I hope she never loses that smile
And if she does I know she'll get it back
Because she has my strength
She has been mine.

I can only hope
That she will never know
The sadness I have known
That I have never shown
I didn't want her to see
The pain that was destroying me
But one day I know her gentle heart will break
She will cry
And I will hold her
Remind her of the strength she has come from
To get through anything
Being broke, heartbreak, moving to a different country
And she will move on.
I'll make sure she never forget where she comes from.

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