hard times

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There are hard times coming
But I'll be here
To make smiles appear
To hug you
Wipe away all the tears.

I never imagined things going this way
But it gets harder
To hold it all together everyday
I don't want to set that example for you
To stay even though it hurts
I want you to know your worth
To find all the love that you deserve.

I don't know if you've learned to block it all out
As you try to fall asleep at night
My heart breaks at the thought
I don't know if you have already learned
The things I don't want you to
I haven't asked
Too scared of the answers.

Hard times may lie ahead
But times will also be good
Our family will change
But the love will remain the same.

It was never about any of you
It was about things neither of us could do
To fix the problems that we caused
By hurting each other in ways we never wanted to at all

I never want your hearts to break
Wonder how much more you can take.
I don't want you to hurt like I do
In my own way, I'm doing this for all of you.
I don't want you to hurt someone else
Because you're hurting inside yourself
From watching us for so many years.

I'll hold you when you cry
When worry keeps you up at night.
We'll pull through
I'll always be there and love you.

**this is a poem for my kids. I'm about to file for divorce and this is my way of telling them why, that I'll be there for them all the way and that I'm not doing this for me..but also for them.**

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