too good to work

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I knew you were too good to work
You weren't what my dreams were made of
I let myself think
I let myself believe
That maybe you were what I was waiting for
But my patience is a little worn.

I tried to be there for you
At least once I knew
I didn't hear anything
For over a week
My imagination ran wild
I couldn't control what was going on in my mind
I have to shut those thoughts down in some way
Even though it hurts
It's just time I walk away.

I left you messages telling you exactly what I felt
Now I'm left wondering where I went wrong
You said it had nothing to do with me
But I don't know what else to think
I think maybe it was all a lie
I think you got scared and can't find the words
Find them
It's fine, I'm a big girl
You say you still want to be with me
That's the opposite of what I'm seeing.
I don't have time for games
Whether you're up the street or miles away
And you know this
I need something easy
Something without so much wondering
So much insecurity
And that's what I'm seeing
It's what I'm used to
But not what I want with you.
I wanted something different
It's all such a mess.

I told you I'd be there when you fix things.
I might be
I might not be
I don't know why I should keep trying.
My words don't seem to have any meaning.
My messages aren't even being seen
You don't know what that does to me
Knowing you're on there
And you don't even seem to care.

I should have known when you came out of nowhere
I should have gone slower
But I couldn't stop
Not once I started
Now I've hit this wall
I might be there
I might not be
At least I'll have good memories.

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