Music is the Food of Love 18+

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No Pov:

It was just a normal evening for Kiki, after a long day of seducing humans and other demons, she was sitting in her apartment, strumming on her bass guitar. She was getting lost in the music when suddenly, she heard a knock on the door. She opened it to see Bingo, who was carrying a violin case. Kiki smiled and leaned down to kiss him.

Kiki: Hey, little cutie. What's with the Violin?

Bingo: Sorry, I had a violin lesson today and there wasn't enough time for me to head home and get back in time for our date.

Kiki: (Giggles) It's okay babe. In fact, I'm glad you brought your instrument.

Bingo: Really?

Kiki: Yes, I'll explain when we get there.

Kiki packed up her bass guitar and the two began walking.

Kiki: How long have you been playing the violin?

Bingo: Roughly seven years. I had tried to play the piano, but that didn't work out too well.

Kiki: What happened?

Bingo: I just lost interest in it. Then one day, I approach my step-mom and said, "Step-mom? I want to learn the violin."

Kiki burst out laughing as Bingo made that quote. Bingo couldn't help but smile at her laughing.

Bingo: And that's pretty much it. I play the violin whenever I get the chance. It's gotten harder ever since I moved in with Milky, what with living in an apartment that has walls as thin as paper.

Kiki: Yeah, I hear that. But don't worry, you can fully show off your chops where we're going. 

Kiki and Bingo make their way to a park. Where a group of demons in a small bandshell were playing music. Kiki and Bingo approached them as they played.

Bingo: You like coming here?

Kiki: Yeah. It was something I used to do when I was a little girl with...(Melancholy) my Grandmama...

Bingo: What happened?

Kiki: Whenever my parents had to leave for work, my grandmama always babysat me, without fail. She would always bring me to this bandshell to play her old acoustic guitar. And that's how we bonded, through music.

Bingo: She must've been important to you.

Kiki: Yeah. She was. We bonded a lot through music, and she even taught me how to play guitar. When she died, her guitar was supposed to go to me, like she promised. However, my entitled uncle had rewrote her will so that he would get everything. Her house, her belongings, and even her guitar.

Kiki felt herself crying as the memories flooded her head. To comfort her, Bingo hugged her.

Kiki: (Crying) That son of a bitch sold her guitar for cash...That was the last thing I had of my grandmama and he...threw that away...

Bingo: Kiki...I'm so sorry. But...she's still here...

Kiki: (Sad giggling) Are you going to do that whole, "she lives inside of me" thing? I know that, it's just sad to remember that.

Bingo: Oh. Okay, but still, your uncle is a selfish *Honk*, who would let bridges burn for extra cash than honor the memories of family. And if I find him, I'll teach him a lesson for hurting you so badly, and disrespecting your grandmama.

Kiki wiped the tears from her face and smiled. The two shared a warm, tender kiss as the band put away their equipment and left the bandshell.

Kiki: Well, it seems the bandshell's open again, how about we play our music?

Bingo: I'd love that.

The two got onto the stage, took out their instruments, and began to play. 

As the two finished up, Kiki let out a content sigh.

Kiki: (Muttering) For you, Grandmama.

Bingo cuddled with Kiki, who gave him a kiss on the head.

Kiki: My place, now~

Cut to the inside of Kiki's apartment, where Bingo was relaxing on Kiki's bed. Kiki was inside her closet, getting changed for their roleplay.

Kiki: (To herself) Let's see...Baker outfit? Nah. Princess? Milky told me he loved poofy clothes...No, it won't suit me being the top. Rocker outfit? Why do I still have this?...Aha! 

Bingo: 0/////////////////////0

Lemon Start

Kiki smirked at Bingo's reaction. She cleared her throat before speaking in a firm, yet soft French accent.

Kiki: (French Accent) Ah, my darling umbrella boy~ It seems like my men have been telling me...that you've been a bad boy~

Bingo was almost too flustered to speak, stammering with every word.

Bingo: (Flustered) boss...I haven't b-been a b-b-bad boy...

Kiki smirked and wrapped one leg around Bingo's neck, him underneath her dress, and revealing that she wasn't wearing any panties.

Kiki: Then prove it~ Start licking, my umbrella boy~ Or you're sleeping with the fishes~

Bingo wasted no time and began eating her pussy. Kiki moaned in pleasure.

Kiki: (Breaking character) Fuck, baby~ (Returns back) I mean...Not bad, umbrella boy~ Seems like you can use that tongue~

She grinds against the jester, moaning deeply as he continues to eat her out. She eventually cums and takes her leg off of Bingo.

Kiki: (Normal) The girls have told me about how good you are with your tongue...but that was special~

Kiki lightly pushes Bingo down on the bed as she slowly takes off both of their clothes. She mounts the skeleton, taking her sweet time thrusting into him. Bingo tries to stroke her thighs, but she lightly slaps his hands.

Kiki: Hey. Your mafia boss didn't say you could touch her. Be patient.

Bingo: Oh...I'm sorry, my mafia queen...

Kiki giggles and kisses Bingo's forehead.

Kiki: It's alright, Cutie. Just relax, and let me take care of you.

She finally cums inside Bingo before pulling out and lying next to him.

Kiki: Not bad, Cutie~ Maybe next time, you can be the top~ Then you can show me how much of an animal you are on top~

Bingo blushes at her comment, but smiles as Kiki kissed him and the two fell asleep. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28 ⏰

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