He slammed his hand over the table once, twice, and thrice before standing up and pushing his seat back. "Two weeks! We have two freaking weeks till your concert and that's what you do?" The division head fumed. A middle aged man that calls himself 'Legend' in the field of managing artists. "Don't you know how much we did spend? Don't you know the arrangement and preparations we had gone through to bring all the artists that are going to be on the freaking stage with you?" He yelled.Opposing him was Stella, twirling in her seat as if she was keen on provoking him for more. "I don't see the problem in all of that. You knew I was dating him!" She shrugged calmly.
"And you said you'll keep it hidden for now." He yelled.
"And I did!" She snapped out of her calmness. "I didn't say a word to anyone but our staff. I refrained from having dates in public places. We even went to a hell of a remote place for our vacation. What more should've done?"
"You should've denied the news when they broke!" He screamed. "You should've consulted your staff or even your manager before posting this on Instagram or tweeting the shit you did!" He shoved his phone towards her and she didn't care to check it.
She knew what she did.
She promised to try and keep it hidden but she was clear that she was never going to deny her relationship if she got busted. She was never going to deny Changbin's presence in her life.
Right after their short vacation, rumors of Stella and Changbin dating started to resurface again. Some said it didn't make any sense since her company denied that months ago and when Changbin came back to the picture, he came as her guard once again. But others supposed that there must be a reason for those rumors to come back to life.
And there really was.
Stella could understand when photos of her and Changbin went viral and started circulating the internet. Someone was following them all the time. There were photos of them on a previous date, photos on the beach while they were in their swimsuits, and photos of them kissing, hugging, and cuddling while gazing at the sky. There were photos of them holding hands while walking up and down the beach and even photos of them playing around, bickering, and chasing each other. There was a paparazzi all along but they were so occupied with each other, enjoying the honeymoon phase to notice the creep following them.
When those photos went viral, Stella was mortified. She panicked and closed on herself. She thought she was prepared to face but no. She was scared that would affect Changbin badly, especially after seeing comments calling him names, claiming he was no match for her and her level, demanding him to be gone again because he was using her and she was too innocent for the old sly fox he is.
But when Changbin held her in his arms, patted her softly, and assured her he was prepared for the consequences of loving her and being with her, she could finally breathe a little. He also joked around about how the photos were lovely and that he was thankful for the one who snapped them since he and Stella didn't have anyone there with them to help them document their happy moments together.
And that was the first thing Stella did when she came back to her senses. The photos showed how happy and in love they were so, she didn't hate the photos anymore. Moreover, she casually logged in to her Twitter account and tweeted what they both thought of.
She thanked whoever snapped those photos cause now she had documentation of her happiest time ever.
And her tweet went viral as a confirmation of her relationship with Changbin.
Not wanting to keep it vague, later that night, she posted a photo on Instagram. It was a photo of Changbin's back while he was cooking something for her in the kitchen of her house. She wrote a long heartfelt post about him, what he brought to her life, and how she was thankful for his presence as a friend and a lover.
And that was how chaos started.
Changbin wasn't the one receiving hate anymore. Stella was.
She was now the bad witch who lied to her fans and had a secret relationship with a staff member. Her obsessed fans were asking for her to be dropped out of the whole industry and demanded a refund for their concert tickets. The company was going crazy, trying to minimize the damage. They couldn't even make a public statement as it was against the agreement with Stella and they didn't want to breach the contract and lose more.
But it wasn't all bad as some of the normal fans who understand well that an artist is a human too, came to defend Stella.
She was in a relationship, so what? She'll keep being the artist she is. And Changbin didn't look like a bad choice. On the contrary, he seemed to be in love with her as much as she was and he was always protecting her, and they loved him for that. Those loyal fans were trying to support so they called for a campaign for the fans who could afford more than one ticket to buy more tickets from those who wanted a refund so the concert wouldn't be canceled.
And they really saved the day!
Cause now after weeks of commotion, the situation was almost resolved. The concert was on its date, but the reactions to Stella herself weren't that good. The now anti-fans were threatening to ruin that concert by any means. Although the situation was ugly, Stella could find a strange peacefulness inside of her. It helped her to stay calm and oriented and not to get provoked by the current situation and the rage of her division head who called her for a closed meeting without even her manager.
"The situation is mostly resolved. I don't see what's triggering you so much." Stella talked.
"Don't you care about the threats you are receiving? This concert might end with a disaster! The few of your remaining fans are asking to cancel or postpone now after they worked hard to save that freaking concert! Now they want it off for your safety."
"So, you are scared that they push you more and you comply with them for my 'safety' and you will have to refund?" She scoffed.
"We are talking about millions! Not some change!"
Stella stood up. She was fed up with his nagging and yelling. "Don't worry. I won't cancel it. If my safety is the concern, then it's not a big deal. Changbin with his team are more than capable of protecting me and the whole staff." She grabbed her purse and hooked it over her shoulder. "The concert is going to be on time. No cancellations or postponing anymore. I will make it happen. I have to make it happen more than anything else." She breathed in audibly. "Now I'm eager to be on that stage more than anytime before."

Chasm.| Seo Changbin
FanfictionA faint light started to illuminate the darkness a little, but it was very faint. Another one followed, then one more and more, but still, it wasn't enough. She gasped when she could hardly see where she was. She was standing at the very edge of th...