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It all began when she was found underground.
Her name was Brooke, Brooke Katu.
She had pretty blue eyes and blonde hair that ran to her shoulders.
She wore a blue torn shirt and skinny black pants with black boots.
She was always the one willing to fight. She had this unique skill that no one really had.
She wasn't really an outgoing type, she was the one who stayed quiet never really talkitive.
But she was always treated like a monster, due to being from undergound.

"Thug! Thug!" She heard someone yell out as she walked by, heading home. "Quiet you selfish shit!" She yelled, annoyed. She sent her glaring blue eyes towards the man. He backed away with a look of disgust. Brooke rolled her eyes and continued walking the streets of the underground. She then hears the zipping sound of 3D menovior gears gliding above her.

She didn't know who they were, all she saw was two men. One had blonde hair and the other had black hair. She always wondered what it would be like if she could do that, she never thought she get the chance. Luckily for her that would change.

While walking she put her hair up into a pony tail and felt another ones presence behind her. She rolled her eyes not wanting to deal with it, she sped up. Still feeling the presence she ran, hearing others run behind her. Brooke was in no mood to fight anyone. She ran through town while the two continued following her.

Before she knew it she bumped into a couple guys and fell back. "Dammit." She cursed under her breath looking up seeing the two guys with 3D menovior gears. The raven haired man looked behind him seeing Brooke then saw the two men running up to them. "Stupid Brat." He finally said as she got up "Who are you calling brat!?" Her blue eyes narrowed then turned around remembering the two men. "Great." They caught up stopping as they saw the two men behind her. "Thank you for stopping this thug we can take it from here." One of the men said. "Try and get me!" She opened her arms. The man turned to the smaller young male "Go!" He shouted as the brown haired boy charged towards her.

Brooke laughed and quickly lifted her leg kicking his stomach he grunted in pain then he quickly punched his face as he was bent down. Despite her height that was her perfect shot. Levi and Farlan watched in shock. They both looked at each other and watched as the man fell to the ground. "Now I expect you leave." She said crossing her arms as the man stumbled up running off with the other guy. Brooke shook her head and began walking off. "H-Hey.. Wait." Farlan reached out. She stopped slowly turning around "What do you want?" Levi was stunned by her attitude but he kept his stern look on his face.

"That was a lot of guts yo-." Levi cut him of with a 'tsk' "Please. That was nothing." Brooke narrowed her eyes towards Levi "Whatever." She looked at Farlan and nodded "Thanks."

Farlen looked at Levi "She can join us." Levi looked at the ground "That's up to her." He spoke in this monotone voice and walked away. "Don't mind him. That's Levi, I'm Farlan." She nodded glancing at Levi. "Brooke." She crossed her arms. "Well Brooke.. Would you like to join us?" He asked. It took a minute for her to think. She shrugged then nodded


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