I Love You

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Levi's POV

I finally found her due to a blood trail. I sighed as I went down beside her. I felt if she had a pulse, and she did. I sighed slightly relieved. "Don't ever leave me.." I whisper as I take her back to my horse. I got Eren up and told him to stay quiet the entire time unless there was a titan emergency. I didn't want to hear his bullshit.

We got back and I threw Eren with Erwin. "You talk to him, cause I sure as hell don't want him in my sight!" I left then went to my room where I had placed "Brooke." I hear a knock "Come in."

{ this is were you come in }

"Uh, Corporal.. Sir?" You held onto your wrist as you walked to him. "Yes cadet [L/N] ?" You rub your arm slightly. "Well, I er. Was told to inform you that the gate has been fixed and that there are no more titans within the wall.." I nodded still looking down at Brooke. "Ok, thank you cadet.." You saluted then walked out of his room.

I sighed as I looked at her. I grabbed some wrapping bandages and wrapped them around her wounds. I kissed her forehead and sat in my chair.

Narrators POV

Days gone bye and Brooke has yet to wake up. Levi would always pace himself around the room. Waiting..




He kneeled down by her on his bed. "Brooke..Please.. Wake up.." He spoke quietly and hid his face in his hands.


Could it be?

She's alive!?

Levi looked up at Brooke.
"Brooke.." He was shocked "Boy did I miss you." She spoke weak. "Oh my god, I missed you to.. I thought.." She stopped him "Levi?"
"Yes?" She smiled and pecked his lips "I love you, I've always had." He smiled a little "I love you too.." She smiled. "Good remember that." She closed her eyes.


No answer.

"Brooke!" He quickly went to feel her pulse.


"No.. No.. Brooke. Please you can't leave me..!" Tears actually fell from his eyes.

Her last words..

I love you..

Levi walked out of his room. Hange saw tears on his cheeks. She has never ever seen him cry. For that she knew she was gone. Tears formed in her eyes. She walked over to him. "I'm so sorry Levi." Levi looked at her "Please inform the cadets.. I'll tell Erwin.."

Hange's POV

I walk through and called all cadets to the mess hall. Once they all got there I wipe my eyes. "For all who doesn't know, our fellow solider Brooke just passed away.. Corporal Levi will be needing his space due to the loss of his friend, colleague, and lover. So with that said we will be putting a ceremony for her tonight." I walk off stage, hearing everyone whisper and cry made tears fall from my eyes. I looked to see Sasha wide eyed and crying. Connie went to comfort her.. He was crying to. I couldn't imagine what Levi must be feeling.

Narrators POV

Later that night Brooke was placed on the ground. She was dressed in a beautiful long blue silk dress. Her hands folded on her stomach with white roses, on the roses were drops of her own blood. We all stood in a circle far from the body we surrounded her.

Erwin walked up to the body.
"She was a great fighter. She always spoke her mind even if it was the weirdest things. She will always be here with us, it's sad to see a fallen solider like you Brooke Katu. And with that we salute you." He gave a salute and everyone did the same after him.

After Erwin, Levi went up. Everyone was shocked. They didn't think he would.

"Brooke was one of those special people, she's a strong girl who will always be placed in our hearts. I hate to see her go.. I promised her that I'd keep fighting for her.. And I will. No one will ever replace you Brooke. We will meet again one day, I promise." A tear fell from his eye as he saluted her. He walked back then watched as she was set on fire.. Everyone kept saluting, so did he.

Tears fell from everyone that day.

Levi's POV

Watching the fire burn pulled me back to a memory.

~ Flashback ~

Me and Brooke were sitting by a fire on a cold night. The night before an expedition.
"Do you think we will win against the titans?"

I shrugged. "I don't know.."

"I'll be gone someday." She whispered.

I shook my head for I heard her. "Stop."

"I will. And you'll be the last man standing."

~Flash back over~

More tears filled my eyes remembering that.

She's gone..


Narrators POV

Years have passed and yet Levi never forgot her. He would always go back to her room and look around. Nothing's been touched since she's left. They plan to keep it that way.

Brooke will never be forgotten

Her legacy will


Live on.

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