Think it through

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No, that couldn't be it.
Levi is still out here, he'll find me..


But Levi thought she went with the others..
He found his horse and it gallaped through and back to the wall
With no trouble.

When he got back everyone starred at him. He had that intimidating stare."What are you looking at?!" His voice deepened. "Is she.." Eren spoke. Levi rolled his eyes "Someone! Spit it out!" He demanded and saw Petra. "Did Brooke not return with you?" Levi narrowed his eye slightly confused. "What are you talking about?" Petra looked down. "Brooke.. We saw the female titain and she told us to go while she distracted it. To give us a head start.. Then she was going to look for you.."

Levi stayed quiet for a moment in shock.

She's gone?
All this time she survived and she's Gone!?

Levi stormed off out of the room into his office slamming the door shut. He looked at the papers on his desk then slung them off gripping the edge of the desk. "She can't be gone. No.. She's not." He looked out the window to the wall in the distance and shook his head.


A few days went by Brooke still lays there. Her eyes began to open. "H-huh?" She looked around I'm not dead? She thought then slowly got up. Groaning in pain she looked around "Hello? Anyone?" She called out. She then turned around from hearing the sound of breaking branches seeing a 7 meter class titan
"You are not whom I'm looking for.." She sighed and used her gear and zipped onto a branch. "Hey ugly, I'm over here." She smirks then zipped to it's head. "Now, it will only hurt a second." She twirled up then went down and sliced it "See."

Brooke sighed as she sat on a branch
"I'm sorry Isabel.. I'm sorry Farlan.. I'm sorry.." Tears slowly filled her eyes. "Hanji.. Petra.." She sighed. "Levi.." She looked to the sky watching the night fall. For the first time in a long time she was scared. She was scared that she would never see her friends again. She fell asleep on the branch.

Days later she woke up from the sun beaming and got up. She was surprised that she lasted this long. She fought off the titains as best she could. Ran from the Small ones.

Later she was walking the floor of the earth. She hears, footsteps. The ground was shaking. "Titan." She mumbled, she was out of fresh blades and gas so she threw off her gear and ran for it. She headed to the river where she got her water for the past week. She turned back seeing no titan in sight. She sighed in relief.


Levi hasn't said a word, not anuyone unless he needed to. Everyone understood why, he lost his friend. The last one he had since they began.

That afternoon they weren going on a new expedition out the walls. They all got ready and headed out. Levi was on the left side of everyone and sighed at the woods that they have approached.

Brooke left the river. She started to head back to the pathways in the woods since she could see clearly. Once she got there a titan spotted her. From the lack off food she saw it but got dizzy and fell, watching the titain get closer.

After all this. Surviving. This Is How it Ends?

She closed her eyes waiting for the titain to grab her.
Right then she hears the sounds of 3D menovirs. She tried opening her eyes but her vision blurred.


It was Eren who found her. He killed the titan along with Jean and Connie. Eren kneeled down to her and moved the strands of hair out of her face. "It is her.." He looked up at the other two "We have to get Corporal Levi." Jean adds in.

"I'll stay with her, you two find the others." Connie said looking at the two as they nodded and went off. Connie stayed and watched for any titans.

"Captain Levi!" Levi looked over at Jean and Eren "this better be important, brats." He crossed his arms "All of you, come on we found something!" Shouted Eren. They soon agreed and followed Eren and Jean. Levi and the others stopped when they did, jaws dropped as they saw whom they found.

"We found her right when she collapsed, running from a titan. We killed it and knew we had to find you, Sir." Jean spoke Ashe looked over at Levi. Levi starred at her, eyes widened. He walked over to her and felt her pulse. "She only passed out, maybe from lack of food or water." Connie said, watching Levi. Levi nodded "We need to take her back, abort mission." He said as he picked her up placing her in the wagon.

They all went back to HQ. Levi placed her in the infirmary.

A day later she woke up. Looking around. How, how did I get here?

Brooke slowly sat up, not remembering much about what happened. She jumped as there was a knock on the door.
"Come in." The door slowly opened, she saw Levi with a tray. She tilted her head as he set it on the table and looked at her.

"How?" He asked

"How what?" She asked confused.
"How did you survive out there?" He turned away.
"I.." She sighed "Well I used my gear to fight off bigger titans. I ran from small ones. When I ran out of that I his and ran from the best I could since I didn't have anything."

Levi nodded. "Are you feeling better?" She nodded "Much." He then walked over and sat beside her "You need to eat." She looked at him then looked at the food "Alright bu-.." She was cut since he pulled her into a hug. She was a little shocked, he hasn't hugged her, or anyone since Farlan died. "Don't scare me like that, idiot." He spoke and let go. Without another word he left. She ran a finger through her hair and sighed as she ate her food.

After she was finished she got up and got in her new uniform since her old one was ruined. She grabbed the tray and headed downstairs. She put up the tray then turned seeing everyone look at her. "Uh.." She looked around then heard a darkened voice beside her.

"What are you idiots looking at? Hurry up and get to the field." He turned to me "Meet me in my office." He then

What does he want..

Levi's last chanceWhere stories live. Discover now