Dont hide it.

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"That idiot." Levi mumbled as we were gliding through trying to get to Eren.

Brooke watched as Levi was talking to himself under his breath.

Why now? Why?

Brooke sighed as they continue to get to Eren.

Eren's POV [ before shifting ]

"What exactly are we waiting here for!" Yelled Eld. "For Levi and Brooke to come back!" Oluo snapped back. The ground began to shake. "Female Titan!" Gunther yells. "Eren! Since it's after you, go find you're way to Erwin or Levi!" Oluo yelled. "No I can fight it! I wi-." Eld stopped him "Shut up brat! You're not allowed to unless your life is in danger! We can take care of it just go, trust us!" Eld yelled as they zipped off.

I watched as I saw them began to take on the titan, I glided through to reach Levi or Erwin but I also watched. Moments later I see them being killed one by one. My eyes widen as I grew with anger.

"I will kill you!" I yelled as I quickly bit my hand. Did I do the right thing? I don't care. That titan was as good as mine.

I threw my fist to only see her dodging it, angry I kicked her side and succeeded. I also through another punch sending her back feet away. I pinned her down and tried to punch her. she quickly moved her head making my fist hit the ground. I tried my other hand but only did the same thing. I was useless until my hands fixed itself. But all we did was stare at each other well until her eye gained vision. She then punched me off of her. after a while I grew broken and weak, she sliced above my neck. Everything grew dark. I didn't know what happened after that.

Brooke's POV

I sighed then soon enough I see Oluo. "L-Levi.. wait." Levi stopped and looked down seeing his squad all dead. His facial expression didn't change, though it never really did. I looked at the dead lifeless people then looked up at Levi. He was still on the search of Eren, he wasn't stopping. Nether did I. We couldn't stop, not now.

We soon come across the female. I see Mikasa behind it. "What is she doing.." I whisper quietly. "Getting herself killed. Come on." Levi caught up to her, I followed.

"He's alive." The dark haired girl spoke in anger. "She needs him for something." She finished. Levi sighed "Alright. I'll do all the cutting, y'all distract her." We nodded and zipped in front of her distracting her as best we could. We watched as Levi was fast enough to keep her from harding her skin.

Mikasa's POV

He's too fast for her..

I glided seeing her nape was open. It was my chance.. I headed that way all ready to cut through.

"Don't do it!" Levi yelled as he saw what I was doing.

He then pushed me away and landed on the hand that was about to strike. He twisted his ankle and yelped slightly at the pain.

Narrators POV

Levi then headed off slicing her mouth. As it opened he grabbed the disgusting Eren out of her mouth. He zipped to the tree across the titan. "He's disgusting, but alive. What did I tell you, don't make it personal. We got your lover back now don't screw it up." He zipped away. Brooke followed leaving Mikasa to stay behind a tad longer.

- Time Skip -

Everyone met up outside the woods in the fields. Everyone was wrapping and piling the dead. Levi stood over the dead and sighed. "Corporal Levi.." He hears a soft voice behind him. He spun around on his heels seeing Brooke. He gave his usual 'Death stare' "Yes?" She tilted her head "Are you okay?" He nodded a little "Why?" He asked. "Well. Um.. I thought you hurt your leg when you saved Mikasa." Levi looked at his leg and cringed. "I'll be fine." He said sternly and walked past her. Brooke shook her head as she watched him limp slightly. "Great." She got on her horse and they all headed back. When they got back Sasha and Ymir were in charge of the dead. Well telling where Jean and Connie should put them from Captains orders.

Levi's last chanceWhere stories live. Discover now