Don't Leave Me

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{ Due to young readers I will not be going into more detail from what recently happened }

I woke up that morning to feel a pair of strong arms around me. I followed them up and saw Levi. My eyes widened then I rested there to remember what went on last night. I smiled slightly and bit my lip. I felt him move slightly and I quickly pretend I'm asleep.

"Tch, I know you're awake." His voice was funny and cute in the morning. "Okay. You got me." I rolled over and looked up at him. "Good morning Corporal." I smile. "Oi, still calling me that?"

"Oi, yes because I think it's funny." I hear him chuckle as I mock him. "Haha very funny." He shook his head and looked at me. "You know you love me." I smile and kiss his nose. "Tch. Only cause I have to." He smiled. I narrow my eyes. "Mean." He laughed slightly. "I'm only kidding." He kissed my nose then sat up. I sat up to realizing I had Levi's shirt on. "How do these shirts fit you but not me, I'm only a little shorter." I stood up and the shirt came down a little above my knees. He chuckled. "You look cute." I crossed my arms "Oh and you look like sweet." He smirked and got up. He only had pants on which made me blush. "Like it?" He grinned. I narrow my eyes. He laughed "I'm going to take a shower." He pointed to the door. "Well there it is." I ran a finger through my hair. "Ugh." I headed to the door and went inside. Locking it and took a shower.

I got out and looked around
Fuck, I forgot my damn clothes.

I grabbed a towel and wrapped it around. I open the door. "Levi~." He turned and looked at me with a grin. "I don't have any.. Clothes." He laughed then got up. "And wipe that grin off your face." I crossed my arms." He grabbed a shirt from his closet and some black bottoms. "Here mrs forgetful." I grabbed them and shot a glare. "Oh shut it." I kissed his cheek. "Thank you!" I then went back into the bathroom and changed, soon coming back out.

I sat by Levi who was sitting on the bed. "I need to show you something. Meet me by the training grounds at four." I nodded to Levi "Okay, well I'm going to get my clothes on then get something to eat. I'll see you then." I smiled and got up. "Don't bump into Hange." He grinned "Oh, god I hope not." I walk out his door  heading to my office when..


Damn it

"Yes. Hange.." I slowly turn to see her.. With Erwin.

Oh fuck my life right now

They both smirked at me. I was so close to! "Looks like someone had an eventful night." Erwin laughed. I quickly thought of something "No, it's not what you think.. He spilt tea on my clothes and I had no change of clothes so he gave me his.." I smile. Hange tilted her head. "Hmm.. Then what's that on your neck?" I glance down then back to them. "Bug bite, it itches.." I scratch it gently "I got my eye on you.." Hange said before dragging Erwin. "C'mon Erwin! I got to show you my new titan work!" I hear Hange and laugh as for I feel bad for him. Maybe.. No I don't.

I walked into my room and got my uniform on. I soon left, questions filled my mind.

What are we?
Are we together?
Or was that a one time thing?

I sighed and walked out to the mess hall. I see the cadets cleaning up. "Good morning guys." They turn to me. "Good morning Brooke!" They shout and smile. I looked around and got some tea. "Brooke!" I turn to see Armin. "Hey Armin..  Are you okay?" He looked worried. "I-It's Eren.." I titled my head. "Eren? What happened?" I ask. "H-He. Broke through the wall!" He panicked. My eyes widened. "Oh.. My. Gather the cadets and hurry!" He nodded and I ran back towards Levi's "Levi!" I yell and saw him open his door. "Brooke Wha-." I stopped "It's Eren.. He broke the wall."
He growled "That fucking brat!" He ran off and I followed.

We got to the stables we all got on horses with our gear. We all left as fast as we could to reach Eren, and the wall. "Brooke and I got Eren, all of you clear out and kill the titans within the walls!" Levi yells. "Yes sir!" They yell and I follow Levi.

As they kill the titans, we headed out to find Eren since we were the only two who had to due to us having to watch him. I hated the silence but we had to keep it.

Soon after what seems like forever we found Eren.
"What are your orders?" I look to Levi. "Distract him, I'll get him from begind." I nodded as I switch to my 3DMG so did he. I zipped up and glided in front of Eren's face "Eren.. I'm here, you got to stop. Please. We can't loose you, we can't. Not to the military police.." Eren looked at me but kept running. "Please." He raised his arm then slapped me into the trees where I blacked out from hitting trees. "Brooke!" That was the last thing I heard..


I'm sorry Levi..

I lost a lot of blood from that day, I was shocked to not have died earlier..

Levi's POV

"Brooke!" I shouted then looked at Eren. I cringed then quickly twirled and cut his nape open reviling him. "You're fucking dead!" I yanked him out tossing him down. I knew he would recover quickly due to his titan powers. He's fucking lucky to have that. If Erwin would let me I would toss him to the military police myself. Well I would of done it a long time ago.

I chained him up to a tree just incase. I then went to go find Brooke.

Please Brooke, be okay..

Please... Don't leave me

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