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Levi's POV

She dropped the letter and coverd her mouth.
I picked up the letter and read it

Dear, Brooke.

I love you, I really do.
But I know that there is someone who
Loves you more. You love him more to.
So I want to tell you that its over between us. You
Seem like your happier with him. I don't deserve you, he does.
I'm sorry, but I know when you read this
You'll be back and you'll be with
Corporal. I hope y'all the best.
Im sorry,

I looked up seeing her head in her hands. I got up from my crouching position and sat beside her. I pulled her closer and she rested her head on my lap. Quiet tears fell from her eyes. I sighed and ran my fingers through her hair. I wanted to stay with her till she calmed down from earlier events.

Brooke's POV

I woke up the next morning, looking around. I look up to see Levi, sleeping. I also noticed I was in his lap. A bolt of pain shot through my head as I remembered what happened last night. I slowly sat up, trying not to awaken sleepy Levi.

I got up and walked into the bathroom. I hopped into the showers. I thought it would clear my mind but.. It didn't. I remembered how Eren was here last night. A tear fell from my eye. I finished the shower and got into my uniform I placed on the sink. I walked out still seeing Levi sleep. I wiped my eyes from any tears. I sat at my desk and began to fill out my usual papers. Sniffling every once in a while I tried to keep focus. I couldn't let my emotions get the best of me.

I finally collapsed. I crossed my arms on my desk and laid  my head down. "Stupid!" I apparently woke up Levi from doing so. He walked over and crouched down beside me "Tch. Where's that fearless strong girl I use to know? Hm?" I couldn't help but smile at his words. I raised my head and looked at him. He smiled slightly then stood up. "I'll be right back." He said as he walked out the door.

Levi's POV

I left her room and headed to the mess hall. Everyone was in there for breakfast. I was only planning to get tea but when I saw cadet Yaeger my blood started to boil.

"Cadet Yaeger!"

He looked up at me scared. He stood up as I walked towards him.

"Corporal I-."

I cut him off by kicking his side. I picked him up by the collar and stared at him dead in the eye. "Don't you fucking go near her, do you understand!" I yelled. I wasn't planning to even yell at him, I just couldn't help it.

He nodded and I dropped him to the ground. Everyone of his pathetic friends went to him. "Tch. Brats." I gave them all my deadly stare. I guess they didn't know what he did. I began to walk away until a tight grip got my hand. I turn to see Mikasa.

Oh yay.

"What the hell was that!?"

I rolled my eyes. "He broke Brooke's heart." Is all I said before leaving the girl.

I got the tea and headed back to Brooke's office. I knocked. "Come in.." I sighed for it was not her usual happy sweet voice. I walked in and she gave me a weak smile as I placed the mug beside her. "Thank you.." Her voice faded. I shook my head then set my mug down.

"Come on." I held my hand to her "I have wo-." I took her hand and yanked her up. "Meet me by the stables, and don't keep me waiting."

Brooke's POV

I watched as he let go and left. Something about that deep monotone voice scared me into doing things. I put my work away then brushed my hair, I've noticed it's gotten longer. I sighed as it reached down a little past my chest. It didn't bother me but I hope it won't get in my way.

5 minutes later I walked out of my office and outside. I saw Eren talking to Armin and Sasha. I sighed knowing he saw me. I kept walking until I felt someone grabbing my wrist. My anger took over as for I knew who it was. Still turned around I lifted my leg and swung it to Eren kicking him to the ground. Sasha's and Armin's eyes widened. My foot rested on his chest as he looked at me. I gave him a deadly glare then picked up my foot. He looked scared but I didn't care. I rolled my eyes then lenses him a hand. I helped him up and he opened his mouth to speak. But I stopped him by putting my finger to his lips. I continued my deathly stare into his eyes "Don't fucking talk to me." I kneed him in the gut then walked away.

"Never mess with a strong soldier." I overheard Armin say. I shook my head then walked to the stables. I didn't know Levi saw what I did. Levi looked at me like he saw a ghost. "What?" I crossed my arms. "Did Yaeger say-." I shook my head and realized that he saw. "Nope." He sighed and nodded. "Anyways, nice moves." I turned light pink. "Oh, thank you." He then turned to his horse and got on. "C'mon." He gestured to the back of his horse. "Why can't I-." He stopped me. "Just get your ass up here." I put my hand on my hip. "Okay okay, mr grumpy." I laughed slightly getting onto his horse. He didn't mind what I called him. He was just happy to see me like this.

We left the stables. I held onto Levi as we raced to where he was taking me. He soon took me to a cliff. I was confused as I got off his horse, he followed. I walked up to the cliff and saw.. Everything. Well nature wise. It was completely beautiful. I turned to Levi. He smiled at me then took my hand. I quickly looked down at his hand that intertwines with mine. I then looked back up at him.

"Why did you take me here?" I asked as I felt my heart race. He chuckled a little then took my other hand. He held both my hands close to him. I found it cheesy but very cute.

"Brooke. I took you up here to tell you something. And I'm not asking you to be with me due to your broken heart that just got out of a relationship. I'm willing to wait. But I'm here to fix that broken heart as best I can. But listen to what I have to say. Brooke.." He stuttered my name slightly then hesitated to speak again. "You are the strongest person I know, other than myself." I laughed a little as I smiled. "You were always there when I needed you so now I'm going to do the same. I'll do anything to see you like you're old self again. I don't want to see you hurt, broken or torn down. All you have to say is okay." I felt a tear form in my eye and it slowly fell. I nodded and pulled him into a hug.


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