Breaking point

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Brooke's POV

I stood by Levi, I guess Hange did talk to him. I watch as Armin opened the doors.

"Woah.." I step closer and looked around. There were dangling Christmas lights everywhere. All the tables had a velvet table cloth, along with silverware and candles in the middle. There was a small stage on the side along with microphones. A table full of food, Sasha must of loved that. All the cadets that me and Levi trained, all sitting down, dressed up all nice. I smiled even though I didn't know what it's for. Connie came to both of us. "Like it?" I nodded "It's amazing but why?" I ask. "You'll find out, in the mean time, take a seat." He gestured to the table In the middle. Me and Levi walk up to see 'Reserved' and two names in the seats 'Brooke' and the other 'Levi' so we both sat down.

We hear a slight cough at the microphone so we all look at the stage. It was Hange. "So!! I see you two made it!" She cheered "Now, I would like for you two to know why you are here. So Renier, if you may." Hange walked off and Renier came up.

"Well, Brooke. Corporal. We threw this together to show you how much we appreciated you both for training us. Even though you give us a hard time we understand it's called for. We have a few speeches for y'all today, so next we got.. Jean." Everyone clapped, so did me and Levi, as soon as Jean was up we stopped.

"Thank you thankyou." He smirked slightly. "So, Brooke. Corporal. I know I've had my doubts from time to time within the time I've spent here. But I don't think I would be here if it wasn't for the skills I've been taught by the two strongest. And so with that being said I thank you, both of you. I look forward to spending more time in the training yard, it's a great honor to have." He finished and I felt a small tear run down my cheek. Great.. This will be going on for a bit, but I don't care. Hange came up again "Next we have, Krista!"

We all clap as she got on stage. "Thank you, and I wanted to say I'm glad to have two of the greatest soldiers, fighters, warriors to train me through this living hell. I wouldn't of been here if it weren't for y'all, with that I thank you."

After a few more speeches Connie and Armin came up. "Ah so now we would like our two greatest. Brooke and Captain Levi. To come up." Connie smiled and walked off with Armin. Everyone clapped as we made our way up. Levi gestured me to do the talking, I also know why. "Oh, thank you. All of you. Me and Levi both love what you done for us,  out of what possibly may be my whole life I have never gotten respect like this. I don't know about Levi, but I'm glad to be here with y'all today. Thank you Connie, Armin, Sasha, Jean, Mikasa, Renier, Hange, all of you. I smiled as we walk off stage, having the sounds of clapping and cheers echo through the room.

After we ate we had another speech from Erwin. Then after that speech Levi got up. "I'll be right back." I nodded as I watched him walk over to Hange. Which confused me. "Brooke! Are you enjoying this?" Sasha came up to me with Connie and Renier. "Yes I am, thank you for this. It means a lot to me and Levi as well." They all smile "That's great! Well we won't keep you, and mr shorty." She whispered the last part and nudged me "Hey!" Sasha smirked then ran off with the two. Soon I heard my favorite slow song come on "How did they.." I stopped when someone tapped my shoulder. I turn to see Levi. "They didn't. I did." He smiled slightly and held out his hand "May I?" I swear I felt my heart race. I glance around to see 'couples' dancing. I looked back at Levi and nodded.

I took his hand and he brought me to the 'dance floor'. He wrapped his arms around my waist as I wrapped my arms around his neck. I leaned in and rest my head on his chest, he rested his on the crook of my neck. We swayed to the music as it played. "I'm sorry for the way I acted earlier.." I shook my head. "I'ts okay Levi, I understand. At least you didnt overreact like I did.." He sighed "So were good?" I nod. "Were great." We looked at each other and smiled.

When the song was over Erwin went to talk to Levi. Hange came up to me. "Soooooo! Hows it going with you and mr shorty?? HAVE YOU TWO DONE IT YET?? Have yall thought about marrige!? OH how abut mr shorty junior!!" my eyes widened "Woah woah wait, slow down Hange.." I swear I hear Levi chuckled. "Ohh im sorryyy!" she laughed "But, how are yall doing? You know he asked me to play that song right?" I nodded. "Yes he told me." she miled brightly "Well you look beautiful, I wouldnt be surpised if he took you right here right now." she smirked "Hange!" She laughed again. "Fine.. how about the bedroom?" I hit her arm playfully. "Okay Ill stop. your lover is coming over anyways. bye!"

She left and I turn around to see Levi. "Did you by any chance hear what she said?" I ask. He smirked. "If you mean the part about asking about us having sex, getting married, and having a kid. Other than that I have no idea." He laughed slightly as I hit his arm. "Ow." I smirk. "That's what you get." He smiled. "Come on, lets get you to bed." I nodded and we walk out the mess hall.

He stopped as soon as we got to my door. "You know, I think I forgot something.." I tilt my head "What?" He leaned down closer to me. "This." He soon crashed his lips to mine. I smiled and kissed back. He pulled away and smiled and picked me up bridal style. "Levi! What are you doing!?" He smirked " Taking you somewhere."

I bit my lip as we walked into his room. He locked the door after he set me down. "Now." He smirked and pinned me to the wall. My eyes widened at his sudden change in behavior. I don't know what he and Erwin talked about but I wanted to know.

He leaned in close and I felt his breath on my neck. I felt my heart beat faster. "L-Levi.." He looked at me and smiled. "I'm not going to hurt you, don't worry." He ran his finger down my cheek. I nod slightly and he kissed me. He licked my bottom lip to enter my mouth, when I did our tongues fight for dominance. Of course, he won. He pulled away and took off his cravat and jacket then kissed me again. I never knew this side of Levi, but I will now..

Levi's last chanceWhere stories live. Discover now