Fight it off

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That morning she got up and got her uniform on. She sighed and went downstairs to get breakfast. She sat down and played with her food before each bite. Eren sat beside her "Hey Brooke." He smiled "Oh hey Eren." She smiled back. Jean and Connie sat across from her and Eren. "Hey guys." She smiled
"Hey." Jean smiled "Hey Brooke." Connie smiled back.

Everyone was enjoying their breakfast. But Levi only had tea. That's all I see him with in the morning. Levi stood on the side leaning against the wall. She glanced up seeing his glare towards her. She looked away and continued talking to the guys. Levi then looked around placing the cup down. He then clenched his fist and walked out. Brooke looked up watching Levi. She sighed and finished her food. "I'll see y'all three later." she stood up "Bye Brooke." They all said as she walked away putting her tray up. She could never figure out what Levi was thinking. He always had the same damn expression on his face.

She took a deep breath in and sighed as she walked up to his door and knocked.
"Who is it?" She heard the deep dark voice of annoyance creep through the door. she's never heard him like that.
She snapped when he yelled "Who's there!" Her eyes widened "B-Brooke."
Levi sighed quietly "Come in." She opens the door slowly and shut it behind her. "You wanted to see me?" Levi sat there then stood up turning towards her. "What were you talking to the cadets about this morning?" Brooke tilted her head "Excuse me?"

"I don't like repeating myself." he stated. "We were just talking, why do you care?" She narrowed her eyes crossing her arms. "Just.." Levi sighed. "Nevermind. Shut the door on the way out." Brooke sighed "Levi, what's gotten into you?" Levi looked at her with his grey eyes, looking at her blue ones not answering her." She put her hand on her hip. "Levi you always do this, I can never figure out what the hell you're thinking. You're very emotionless and it's hard to understand anything about you. Why is it so hard for you to show something!" She yelled. Before he could speak she walked out back to her office.

What the hell was that!?

Where did that come from?

I've never yelled at him like that.

She stayed in her office till she was told to do anything. She missed Lunch and Dinner. Levi noticed then ran a hand through his hair. Jean, Eren, Armin, and Petra noticed as well. Eren stood up and walked up to Levi. "Captain, sir?" Levi looked away from the ground up to Eren. "What is it brat?" He growled.

"I was going to ask if I could bring Brooke something to eat.. Since she hasn't ate since breakfast.." Levi looked into his cup as he spoke. He bit down on his tongue then nodded. "That's fine." He took another sip of his tea then Eren grabbed a tray heading to her office.

He gently knocked. "Come in.." A soft silent voice came through. Eren opened the door seeing Brooke sit with her head in her knees sitting on her bed, not shutting the door he walked in. "You haven't ate anything since breakfast.. So I uh thought I would bring you something.." He said placing the tray on her desk. Brooke didn't say anything. "Brooke? What's wrong?" He said sitting down beside her. Brooke looked up at Eren.

"I'm just confused. That's all." Eren sighed "Will you come to practice tomorrow?" He asked softly. She nodded looking up at him "For you, sure." She smiled a little. Eren noticed the tears slowly forming in her eyes. Not thinking he leaned down, lifting her chin and kissed her. Brooke's eyes widened at first then melted into the kiss. Not realizing the door was opened they continued. Levi was walking through the halls quietly then glanced at the opened door. Seeing Eren and Brooke. He thought for a minute then walked to the doorway.

"Cadet Yaeger!" Eren pulled away and stood, saluting to Levi as he stood there shaking he spoke nervously "Uh.. Le- Captain, sir?!" Levi narrowed his eyes "Petra needs you down in the training filed. Oi I suggest you hurry." He growled. "Yes sir!" He ran past Levi out through the hall. Brooke looked at him not saying anything. Levi signed "Stupid brat." He then walked out.

What just fucking happened?

Did Eren and I kiss?

Oh, no.. And Levi saw..

This can't get any worst.

- Next Day -

Brooke got up taking her tray down after getting on her uniform. she saw everyone getting ready for breakfast. She only got a cup of water and sat down. Hangi sat beside her "Hey, are you okay?" She asked. "I'm fine." She gave a small smile "Where's Petra?" Hangi looked at Brooke "Have you not seen?" She whispered "No.. wha-." Hangi cut her off "Look!"

Brooke looked up seeing Levi and Petra talking. Laughing. Levi was laughing? She felt her heart sink. She never saw him laugh. Not once. What the hell could they be talking about!?

Brooke stood up after drinking the water out of the glass cup. Her blue eyes narrowed as she threw the cup down, shattering into a million pieces everyone looked up. Levi, Petra, Eren, Armin, everyone. She looked around the room then stormed off.

"What the hell! I knew him half of his life and I never saw him chuckle not even a snicker!" She threw her hands up and back down as she yelled to herself. "Well good for him!" She took of the golden orangish jacket tossing it off heading to Erwin's office.

She banged on the door "Erwin!"
There was a pause "Come in.." He spoke in a confused tone then the door slung open "I want out of this deal. Take me to prison for all I did in the past I just want out of this Hell hole!"
Erwin's eyes widened "Are you sure Brooke?" She rolled her eyes "Yes, I wouldn't be here if I wasn't!" She yells. "Fine. I'll have Eld and Levi take you back." He responded and told Eld to get Levi then looked at Brooke. "You follow." She sighed then followed him. Eld placed cuffs around her wrist behind her back.

Levi found Brooke's jacket, not a moment later he saw Eld and Brooke. "What's going on why is she in cuffs!? We made a dea-." Eld stopped him "She chose to trade in her badge and go to prison for her crimes. Erwin said for us to take her." Levi's eyes widened "Broo-." She looked up at him with a glare "Don't you fucking talk to me!" She growled. Levi blinked a few times fast. Not saying anything. He sighed then walked over to the horses. Brooke rode with Eld and Levi by himself. He couldn't get over what just happened.

They got to the prison. Eld and Levi took her down and got her a cell by herself. Eld left leaving Levi to say goodbye.

"Brooke. You don't have to say anything. But, I'm sorry. for everything." he spoke softly as ever and headed back.

No. He has to be playing with me! He doesn't give a shit about me.. He never did!

Or, was it me? Did I overreact..?
Damn it. I'm such a dumbass.

What was I thinking!?

Brooke broke into tears. "What have I done.. Levi, I'm sorry..." she mumbled so no one heard.

This. Can't be all.. It's not the end, is it?

| ps. This isn't the end of the story 😂 so don't get upset - Au|

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