Come back.

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It's been 5 weeks since I left the Survey Corps. I wonder how it's been.. What impact I had on them. Do they notice? Do they miss me? Are they glad I'm gone?

These thoughts ran through Brooke's mind everyday. All she could do is sit there in her cell and rot like she was supposed to. She made a huge mistake. Could you blame her? I guess that's what happens when she gets pissed.

"I wasn't thinking.." She mumbled then hears someone open the door.

"Katu, you have a visiter."

Brooke looked up to see Erwin and Levi.


"Brooke.." Erwin spoke a bit quiet. She stood up and headed to the bars of the cell. "Yes sir?" She glanced at Levi seeing that he was paying close attention. This visit confused her.
"We need you back in the Survey Corps. we lost about sixteen others from the last expedition." Brooke tilted her head "And? You've lost more before and that didn't change." Erwin sighed "We need a strong solider." Brooke looked at Levi. "You got him." Levi sighed "We need another so we can protect the others. and Eren. think about it. stupid brat." Levi spoke quiet to.

Brooke sighed. "Fine. I'll come back.." A little smirk grew at the edge of her mouth. The guard opened the cell door and she walked out. "Oh. and this belongs to you." Erwin handed her the golden orangish jacket. "Oh.. thanks." She took it putting on the small jacket.

They headed up to the horses. "You'll have to ride with Levi." Erwin said as he got on the horse. Levi walked over to his horse then gestured for her to get on. Brooke walked over and got on without any hesitation. Levi got on after her. "Better hold on." He spoke quietly. Brooke looked at him then held onto him, just because that was the only thing she had to hold onto. They bolted off causing her to close her eyes. She opened them and shook her head "Very funny." She sighed.

They reached HQ and they all got off. Erwin headed to Brooke and held out his hand. "Glad to have you back." Brooke looked at his hand then shook it. "Glad to be back.." Her voice faded. He nodded then took both horses back to the stables. Brooke stood there knowing Levi was behind her. to be honest she was scared to face him. She sighed and walked to her office.

As she passed through she was stopped by the sound of her name. "Brooke! Is that you?" She turned to see Petra. "Uh, yeah." Petra smiled and hugged her "Oh my I missed you so much." Brooke hugged her back and sighed "I missed you to." Petra let go "Well I won't keep you. A lot of people will be happy to see you." Brooke nodded then walked into her office.

It was.. Clean..

The last time she saw it was papers thrown due to her anger. "Who.." She stopped "Levi." She crossed her arms "Yes?" Brooke jumped and turned around to see Levi leaning against the doorframe. "Levi, I. did you clean my office?" She asked. "Is there a problem with that?" He crossed his arms. "No.. I was just shocked to see it like this." Levi shrugged. "Tsk. Your room was filthy." Brooke sighed "Most of the time it's not.." Levi uncrossed his arms "Well were about to start training in ten. Don't be late." He turned on his heel and walked away.

"I just don't understand him." She sighed. Ten minutes later she walked out of her office heading to the training field.

"Brooke!" Everyone shouted and gathered around her. Her legs began to feel like jello.

"Where were you?"
"What happened?"
"Are you okay?"

Many questions surrounded her and she looked around at everyone. "Uh, I." she stuttered slightly "Cadets! Back into position!" Brooke was happy to hear that low dark voice. Everyone went back to how they were and Levi shook his head. "Tsk. Idiots." He paused. "Y'all will be practicing hand to hand combat." everyone got ready and began practice. Levi walked over and stood next to Brooke.

"Thank you.." Levi whispered. Brooke looked up at him confused. "For what?"
"Coming back." He crossed his arms. "Oh. didn't ya-." He stopped her "We only said that to get you back. Well what Erwin said." He didn't even turn to look at her. "Oh." She turned back to watch others practice.

After that they all went to get dinner. Brooke got her food and sat down. Hange sat down beside her. Armin and Connie sat across from them. "It's so great to have you back!" Hange smiled. "Thanks Hange." she smiled. "Where were you anyway?" Connie asked "I wa-." She was cut off "It doesn't matter. she's here now." Said Armin. "Oh, thanks Armin." Brooke smiled then soon finished her food.

She went to put up her tray then heard footsteps behind her. "Do you know about the expedition tomorrow?" She turned around seeing Erwin "Oh. no I wasn't informed." Erwin looked over at Levi. "I'll get Levi to tell you about it." Brooke sighed then nodded "Alright." She crossed her arms. "Are you two okay?" He asked. She glanced at Levi then shrugged "I don't know." Erwin nodded "I'll send him to your office." Brooke nodded again then headed up to her office herself.

About 20 minutes after she hears a knock at her door. "Come in." She was filling out some new papers that was found on her desk. Levi walked in and she turned and stood up. "I'm here to talk about tomorrow." Brooke nodded "Proceed."

They talked about the plan and what was planned to happen tomorrow.

"And you are still on my squad." Levi finished. "And Petra?" She asked "Still in your old spot." Brooke nodded, still feeling bad. "Well if that's all you can go back to.. whatever you were doing." She said and went back to her desk. Levi sighed then walked out closing the door gently.

Levi saw Petra walking up to him as he stood by Brooke's door. "Levi, do you have a minute?" She asked. Levi nodded "What is it?" She caught up to him "This." She leaned up and crashed her lips to his.

Brooke finished the paperwork and opened her door. She saw Levi and Petra and sighed. They pulled away and Petra's face was red. Brooke gave a fake smile and walked off before anyone could say anything. Brooke kept walking not turning back.

After returning the papers she went to her room and sat on her bed. She ran a hand through her hair then went to take a shower.

She came back and laid in bed.

Why should I even care?
Why do I care so much?

A few tears fell from her eyes. then was startled by a knock at the door. "Great." She mumbled and got up wiping the tears from her eyes. She walked and opened the door. "Levi?" Levi looked at Brooke and sighed "I'm sorry ab-." She stopped him "Sorry about what I saw? Why would you be sorry about that?" Levi frowned "I thou-." She stopped him again. "I don't care who your with. I got over that a while ago. Those papers I had earlier were to switch me and Petra. I gave them to Erwin and he's going to tell us tomorrow. So hopefully you get what you want again." She put her grip on the door.

"Brooke.." Levi's looked down to her Blue eyes. "I was the one who requested you on my team. I requested you would be there and Petra to take your place." He sighed then walked away.

Brooke's eyes widened then ran up and hugged him from behind. She let go and he turned around "I'm sorry Levi, I just thought that you would of wanted her on yo-." He pulled her into a hug. "I wanted you on there so it would be like before. I felt like you weren't around anymore and that's all I could do. I knew Hange would agree to that so." Brooke looked up at him. "I can go talk to Erwin. He would understand right?" Levi shrugged and pulled away "I don't know." She sighed "Alright." She gave a small smile and walked away until he grabbed her wrist pulling her back facing to him. "Good luck." He leaned down and kissed her cheek before walking away.

What was that for? She sighed and walked to Erwin's office knocking on the door.

"Come in." She walked in seeing someone she thought she never see.


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