Outside World

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[ weeks later ]

Its been 7 weeks since Brooke had found and joined Levi's little group. A lot has happened but it was decided to stay in the past to be avoided. While they were escaping, zipping through the air they did soon realize that they were being chased by someon. They thought it was the military police but soon realizing it was the Survey Corps. They all split trying to escape. Farlan went down to the right, She went right, Levi went straight. Brooke always watched her surroundings but this time she forgot, trying to get away one of the men caught her. She also didn't know y'all were caught as well. The man brought her to Farlan. "Brooke!" He shouted and sighed in a bit of relief. "Farlan.." She had a worried look when she didn't see Levi. That was the only time you ever saw her like this. Farlan's eyes grew shocked seeing her like that.

They then heard grunting noises and saw Levi fighting Ewrin. Both off them tried shruggling out of the mans grip. Once defeated they were all kneeled on the ground looking up at the leader. After a while of fighting back and forth they were told they were goining to be going the Survey Corps. They all looked at each other and sighed. After all the discussing they went to training.

That night, after arriving and getting their uniforms. They all met outside. "This is probably the weirdest thing I've ever worn." Farlen commented. Levi shook his head and crossed his arms "Well. Before we get into anymore trouble, we need to get to bed." Levi said then gave a 'tsk'

Brooke raised an eyebrow removing her hand from her hip placing it to her side. "Yeah. I'll see y'all in the morning for training." She said in a stern voice and walked away.

- Years later -

Brooke and Levi were the only ones left. They had a group along with Farlan but.. No one else made it that day.. When Brooke and Levi saw Farlan their hearts sunk. Brooke fell to her knees in tears. Levi fell also, its the most I've ever seen him like this. It was all heartbreaking. The sight was terrible, awful. Brooke closed her eyes, no one has ever seen her this torn down and broken.
Levi was even more so, Brooke was now all he had left. He looked over seeing her tear stained face. He let out a small sigh as he turned to her and gave her a hug. Her eyes widened then she hugged him back pulling him close. That latest till everyone showed up. Levi let go and stood up along with Brooke. "So, y'all are the only two left? How pathetic.." Brooke broke into a Glare. "What the hell is wrong with you!" She screamed Levi looked up away from the ground "Broo-." He was cut off. "No! Your pathetic! What kind of leader are you!?" She says taking out one of her blades "I wouldn't do that cadet. You are strong, but not strong enough." Erwin said.

Anger filled the little blonde girl. Before she could do anything Levi quickly grabbed her wrist. Her eyes widened then yanked her hand away. Walking back to her horse, once everyone was back on their horses they soon left back.

Once they got back Brooke hears most of the towns people diss on them. She held it back as best she could since they weren't aloud to yell at them.

Later that night after everyone was asleep Brooke snuck outside in her uniforn. She grabbed a few practice dummies and her dagger. She looked at the wounds on the fake dummies as she set them up. She took a deep breath and ran towards one, flipping and kicking it down. She ran to the other one throwing her knife at it watching as it stuck into it she raised her leg kicking it down from the side. Leaving the dagger there she did a quick handstand taking the dummy with her feet throwing it halfway across the field. Once she got to her feet she took her hair down letting it fall to her shoulders. She ran a hand through the blonde hair and sighed as she looked at the dumb dolls. She got her dagger from the one and sat in the field. Crossing her legs she looked up at the sky. She was calm then jumped at the sound of footsteps. She didn't bother to turn, she really didn't care.

"What are you doing out here?"

She knew exactly who it was, but she didn't answer.

"Brooke, why are you fighting the dolls?" His voice darkened from being ignored.

"Nothing." She stabbed the ground with the dagger and got up "Were you watching me?" She crossed her arms. Levi's gray eyes looked up from the ground. "Not long.." He replied. Her eyes widened slightly then shook it off. "Again, why are yo-." She cut him off "Because, its the only thing I can do to get things off my mind."

Levi looked at her about to speak she stopped him "And I don't need one of your smartass comments." She added as she walked passed him. Levi didn't try stopping her, instead he went to retrieve the dagger, seeing it with dirt on it. "Tsk. Filthy." He kept his grip on the handle then picked up the dolls putting them up. He then remembered how she attacked the dummies. He looked around then headed upstairs, cleaning the weapon placing it on his desk. He was going to give it back tomorrow.

He sighed and went to bed.

{Authors note: to all future readers, I hope you enjoy the story. If you have any ideas for the story, please comment }

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