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Brooke's POV

We headed back after that. Levi may seem mean and cold hearted but he's not. I don't care if the cadets think otherwise. They haven't seen the captain I know.

When we got back it was Lunch time. Levi took me and dropped me off at the mess hall. "Are you coming?" He shook his head "Erwin has me doing something else. See me after training okay?" I nodded with a small smile then walked in. I grabbed my tray and sat down. I was confused when I saw Armin sit beside me. Connie and Sasha sat across from me. "Hey Brooke, are you feeling okay?" Armin asked. I nodded with a slight smile "Yeah, I'm fine. Thank you Armin." He smiled then took a bite out of his food. "Are you training us today Brooke?" Connie asked. "Yes, I'll be training y'all all week. Or at least I'm supposed to. I don't know when Coropral Levi will be doing it again." They all nod. "What will we be doing after this?" Sasha asked. "Y'all are going to hate me for it, running speed." They all groan. "I'm sorry. And combat against me." They sighed. "I know I know I'm sorry."

They all finish and we head to the field to battle first because that's what they wanted to do first.

"Line up." I crossed my arms and they all formed in a vertical line position. I caught a glimpse of Eren, he looked scared. I sighed and uncrossed my arms. "Y'all will be fighting against me, it will improve your fighting skills if ever need be. Now, Jean." I smiled and watched him get into fighting position. "Come on now.." I smirk and he threw a punch. I caught it then kicked his stomach. Still holding his hand I twist it causing him to fall, he claimed defeated. I watched him walk away then saw Eren come up.


I sighed as he didn't hesitate. He kicked me in my side. He looked as if he didn't care. My anger got the best of me. I kicked his shin, he threw a punch but I jumped back. He followed and I kicked him away in the chest. He looked mad. I shook it off then kicked his other side. He grabbed my ankle and pulled causing me to fall. He pinned me down and punched my face causing a bruise on my cheek. I shot a deathly glare and kneed him in between the legs. "Ooo!" I hear the crowd. He fell off landing beside me. "Don't let your guard down Yaeger." He grunted and got up.

That went on for awhile and I sent them to dinner. I didn't want them running after that. I felt bad for all of them except Eren. He was sweet.. What the hell happened? I didn't go since Levi wanted to see me. I walked up to his door and knocked.

"Name and Business?" A stern voice came through the door. "Brooke. You told me to see you after training.." I held my hand to my cheek covering the bruise hopefully Levi wouldn't notice. "Come in." He sounded a little more happy this time. I walk in and looked at him looking at his work. I hoped that he wouldn't look up. "What did you need me for?" I ask. He looked up at me.

Damn it.

"Remove your hand." He lost his happy. "Uhm. No." I sighed and shook my head. He got up and walked over to me and forcefully moved my hand. I looked at him then looked down. "Who did this?" He tilted my head up so I looked at him. "It happened during training. It's no big deal." He shook his head "Who was it?" I didn't want to tell him Eren did it. He would kill him. Maybe he won't go hard on a girl. "Sasha." He seemed to believe it. "I'll make her clean the mess hall." I sighed a little relieved. "What do you need?" I ask to change the subject. "Here. Erwin needs you to fill these out then return them." I grabbed them. "What's it for?" He shrugged. "All it needs are signatures." I nodded. "Alright, bye Levi." He nodded then I left.

I placed the papers on my desk then went to find Sasha. I saw her leaving the Mess hall with Eren and Armin. I sighed and headed that way. "Sasha!" I yell and they all looked at me. "Yes!?" She smiled. I sighed. "Please don't hate me." I didn't care if Armin and Eren were there. "Why would I?" I scratched the back of my neck. "Heh. Well. Levi wanted to see me and he saw the bruise on my face. If I told him Eren did it he would kill him. So.. I kinda.. Said you did it.." I wince and step back. "What!!?" She yelled. Eren hears and he looked at me. "What's her punishment?" He asked. I rubbed my face and sighed. "To clean the mess hall. But I'll help you okay Sasha?" She groaned "Fine.." Armin smiled "So will I." Sasha smiled "Me to." Eren added. "Thanks guys." She nodded. "I'm sorry Sasha, I uhm. I didn't wa-." Eren stopped me by a hug. I didn't hug back. "Thank you for saving my ass." He said still hugging me. l finally hug back. "You're welcome.." He sighed and pulled away. "I don't know when he'll tell you to do it, but he will call you to you're office. She nodded. "And Brooke, it's okay. I understand why you did it." I nod with a small smile. "Yeah, just come find me before you clean. I have to go fill out paperwork, I'll see you all tomorrow." I wave. "See you later Brooke." Eren and them waved back. I sighed then ran to my office.

I open the door and headed to my desk. I looked at the papers then started to fill out the papers. I got tired and I came across a letter. I unfolded it.

Dear, Brooke.
I wanted to write this letter
Thing for you. Knowing that you're tired right now and you're flipping through the papers and filling them out.

I laughed a little then kept reading

Also, knowing you want
To go to bed. I would tell you to but I don't know if you'll do it. So I'll give you this. My only goal for giving you
This was to make you
Smile, and I hope I did
See you around..
From, Levi

I smiled to his letter. "How sweet." I laughed slightly and put the letter in my desk. I kept reading and skimming through the papers till I read something I dreaded reading.

The next Expedition..

I sighed. "A month to prepare.." I sighed the bottom and finished. I looked up at the clock. "5:30!" I groaned and hit my head onto the table. "Another sleepless night.." I mumble and got up along with the papers. I headed to Erwin's office and knocked.

"Come in." I sighed and opened the door. "Where do you want these?" I ask holding the papers. "Put them in the envelope and in the tray." I nodded and did what I was told. "Is there anything I need to tell the cadets about the upcoming expedition?" I ask. He looked up at me then spoke. "All you need to do is train them." I nodded and walked out.

Great. Another one of these
Horrible expeditions.

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