Salido del Clóset

37 5 16

Prompt: Guatemala

As this takes place during a UN meeting, bold is Spanish.

UN meetings for countries would very quickly be derailed. While they were meant to foster an air of understanding and mutual respect, they were often turned into physiological battlegrounds and places where countries made personal announcements to everyone at once.

Countrypeople weren't meant to be political figures, so it made sense that they would always devolve into their own kind of nonsense, but it was still a problem that persisted.

Guatemala was not one to talk, however, as she was not immune to using UN meetings for other things, especially today of all days, where she planned on making a personal announcement herself.

"Now, before we begin, as I know you all love using these meetings as a place to make personal announcements, does anyone have anything they need to get out of their system before we begin?" United Nations asked. Guatemala cleared her throat.

"I do," she said, using the more feminine voice she had been practicing and ignoring Honduras's raised eyebrow and Australia's poignant look. She had never felt this anxious before, and she was afraid she might chicken out of coming out.

"Go ahead," United Nations said, sounding somewhat annoyed. Pushing aside her anxiety, Guatemala took a deep breath out.

"I am female, and I am now using she/her y ella as my pronouns. Update yourselves accordingly. I will not be taking any further questions at this time." Guatemala said, sitting back down and watching carefully to see the reactions of the other countries.

"Thank you for letting us know. I'll have my assistant update any documents we can with your pronouns," United Nations said, "Now, does anyone else have anything to announce?"

Honduras nearly threw herself out of her seat, throwing a hand in the air, "I'm a man! He/him, él!"

"Hijo de puta! It's bad enough we were born at the same time, but you had to come out at the same time as me?" Guatemala explained, giving her si–brother an annoyed look. Honduras shrugged, sitting down.

"I've wanted to do it for a while. Seeing you do it...courage from others, no? What Central America always told us about when we were little." Honduras said, sitting down and giving her a sad smile.

"Well, now that my brother has derailed my big moment by reminding the world that we are two members of a set of quintillizo, I think we can begin las Naciones Unidas," Guatemala said, "And Costa Rica y El Salvador, you two better not come out too!"

"Two out of five is impressive enough, little sister," El Salvador called, causing Guatemala to make a rude gesture at him.

"Please handle this outside of the meeting. I am moving on to more important things, " United Nations said before he began speaking about something else. El Salvador shot Guatemala a bright grin before Guatemala looked back toward United Nations.

As annoying as it was to have Honduras hijack her coming out, Guatemala was happy. She had known she was a woman for over a hundred and fifty years, and pretending to be a man was hard, and it hurt.

She knew not everyone was going to be accepting of her gender, but she didn't care. She was out now, and now no one had an excuse to call her a man.

Guatemala was happy in a way she hadn't been for a long time.

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