Mi Mejor Amigo

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Prompt: Brazil

Brazil loved mocking idiots on the internet. Doing it with Philippines just made it better. There was nothing the two of them loved more than being able to meet up and shit-talk people until, eventually, many of Brazil's states joined in, and they ran through every single piece of gossip that had come about in the few months since they last met up.

"Oh, Phil, did you know you're curing me of my lesbianism?" Brazil asked her friend as they sat, lounging around her home, just enjoying being able to exist in the other's company.

"Oh, yeah, sorry, but asexuality doesn't exist, so I needed someone to be my girlfriend, and you are the only good option," Philippines joked, a familiar smile curling across his face.

"And yet you're cheating on me with Hawaiʻi," Brazil teased. Philippines snorted.

"Better that conspiracy theory than the other one," he said. Brazil winced.

"Ah, that does it a little close to home, doesn't it? Sorry," she said. Philippines waved her off, a smile on his face.

"Don't be. You did nothing to trigger anything, so it is all okay," he said before brightening as he looked at his phone. "Oh my god, people are drawing the Brazilippines flag as a country person."

"What? Give me that!" Brazil said, leaning over and snatching Philippines' phone from his hand, looking at the (admittedly well-drawn) art before laughing.

"I'm not bothered by that; that's just fun and cool," Philippines said. "We should try to convince historians far in the future that Brazilippines is a real person."

"You are a menace to society," Brazil deadpanned. Philippines shrugged.

"Well, duh, how else am I going to use my free will?" he asked.

"Don't even joke about that," Brazil said, shooting him a glare.

"It's my trauma!"

"I'm getting you a therapist."

"Betrayed by my best friend. I can't believe it."

"Oh, shut up, Philippines."

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⏰ Last updated: 6 hours ago ⏰

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