La Colonia de España

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Dominican Republic was so mad. She was furious and couldn't believe that Pedro Santana had done this. After everything, after all it took to get her independence from Haiti, to restore her country, he did this to her? Sold her away to their original colonizer?

She was so angry.

She knew they had been having economic issues since her war of independence, but this wasn't the right way to go about fixing things.

It couldn't be.

But there was nothing she could do. When she tried to protest it, she was called hysterical and put on house arrest as Pedro Santana put together a bunch of attendants to "teach her what she needed to know as a Spanish Colony."

Dominican Republic hated it. She didn't fight for her own independence to be subjected like this, to be dressed up like a pretty little doll for the Kingdom of Spain and Spanish Empire.

She was her own country.

So when the day finally came that she was to meet Spanish Empire, Dominican Republic was ordered to stay in her room, to sit still as she was dressed in a far too fancy dress and prepped like she was a gift to be given to the Spanish Empire.

In a way, she guessed she was.

Dominican Republic nervously scratched at the back of her hand as she waited for the empire to come and collect her, to drag her away from her home and people to be under his command.

When Spanish Empire entered the room, he entered with a great deal of pomp and confidence.

"Ah, mi colonia, so wonderful to see you. I am so happy you and your people have come to your senses. I cannot wait until the rest of my colonies do, and our family can be reunited once more," he said, not even looking at her, just past her to the window. Dominican Republic hated him. She hated the disregard he had for her, the fact that he did not even realize she and her people didn't like him or this idea.

"Are you sure their people will want to do that?" Dominican Republic asked. Spanish Empire finally turned to face her, gasping a little as he did so. "What?"

"You look so much like Santo Domingo did," Spanish Empire said, something soft in his eyes. "I suppose it is fitting that you will now take her name."

"Take her name? But...I mean, I know I will not be a republic anymore, but can I not keep Dominican as my name?" Dominican Republic asked. Spanish Empire laughed.

"Of course not, chica. You're my colony now, and therefore, the original and proper name of this island will be restored to it," Spanish Empire said, placing a possessive hand on Dominican Republic's shoulder and guiding her out of the room.

"Oh, okay," Domini—Santo Domingo said, nervously twiddling her thumbs.

"Your brother, the kingdom, will be happy to see you," Spanish Empire said.

"Brother?" Santo Domingo asked.

"Yes, yes, the Kingdom of Spain, as I am your father now," Spanish Empire said. Santo Domingo shrunk in on herself.

"Oh...I didn't realize..." she said. She didn't realize that this meant she was being adopted.

"Of course you are! Since that Haití killed the son of the first Santo Domingo, and you are his child, you have lost your proper bloodline. I am going to make you my child and return you to the proper bloodline, just like I am returning you to the empire. You will be at peace and happy." Spanish Empire said.

He seemed...softer when he spoke. He walked with pomp and the egotistical confidence of an empire, but he spoke like a man, like a human, with care and kindness and a sense of loss.

It wouldn't bring Santo Domingo to his side. But...she thought she understood him better.

"My people do not want to give up their independence so soon after winning it," Santo Domingo tried to explain, hoping the empire would understand.

"Of course they do! Everything is better under my flag. You do not need to make up excuses for the rebels that are coming. I know you probably care about them. But I will still have to deal with them via proper means. It will be okay," he said, causing Santo Domingo to grit her teeth in frustration.


"Silencio, leonita. It is time for you to get your new flag. I am...I am so excited to see the flag of Santo Domingo again. Your sister...your sister would be so happy," Spanish Empire said, guiding her to the flagpole, where they were surrounded by his soldiers. Foreign troops meant to keep her under his control.

"I'm sure she would," an unfamiliar voice from behind them said. Spanish Empire brightened, turning around and bringing Santo Domingo with him. It was a countryperson who had spoken, another colony of the Spanish Empire. His head was bowed towards Spanish Empire, and Santo Domingo felt her suppressed anger rise, hoping she would not have to do the same.

"Puerto Rico! Leonita, I forgot to mention that your brother and nephew were going to be here. This is Puerto Rico, your brother," Spanish Empire said, pushing Santo Domingo towards the shorter colony. His face held the dulled flag of the Spanish Empire. Santo Domingo wondered if her's was about to hold the same.

"Hello, Sister, Father. It is so wonderful that you have rejoined us," Puerto Rico said. Something about his voice felt fake as if he did not believe what he said. Santo Domingo wondered if she had found an ally.

But it was hard to tell. Puerto Rico's face remained cheerful, and he always showed submissiveness to his empire, always bowing his head slightly while talking to his father.

Then again, she wasn't an expert on healthy relationships with fathers.

"And where is Cuba?" Spanish Empire asked.

"He is coming, Father. He is just ensuring that his volunteer divisions are all in order. He and I both want to see this go off perfectly," Puerto Rico said with a submissive bow of his head.

Santo Domingo hoped that she would not be expected to do the same.

"Ah, good, good. Shall we wait, then?" Spanish Empire asked.

"Whatever you think is best, Father," Puerto Rico said, pleasant smile never leaving his face. Spanish Empire hummed.

"Fetch your nephew. I want all of our family here to be present for this," he said. Puerto Rico nodded and quickly walked away.

"He's...nice," Santo Domingo said. Spanish Empire nodded.

"He is very kind. And very reliable," he said before they fell into an uncomfortable silence. It remained that way until Puerto Rico returned with a taller Spanish colony, who bowed his head at Spanish Empire upon arrival.

"I am sorry for being late, Grandfather, Aunt Santo Domingo," the colony—who must be Cuba—said.

"It is not a problem. We can begin now!" Spanish Empire then announced. Santo Domingo bowed her head, staring at her feet as she did her best to ignore her independence slipping away, weakening her as invisible chains seemed to clamp to her wrists, binding her to the empire beside her.

Her brain became foggy, and she felt Spanish Empire wrap his arms around her, keeping her in place. She was suddenly so tired, so numb. What was happening?

"Shhh, mijita. It's just our león from your new flag. You will be okay," Spanish Empire said, running a gentle hand through her hair.

"It will be over soon," Puerto Rico whispered. "Just give in, and it'll be over with."

Santo Domingo listened and let the exhaustion overwhelm her, sinking into a comfortable blanket of fog.

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