Chapter 17

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Sophie grumbled as she exited the hotel. Why was Keefe being so utterly stupid? Why can't he see that it'd be both more convenient and safe for everyone if he stayed in the Lost Cities? It doesn't matter if he has some new fancy abilities, or if the Neverseen are after him, he'd be much safer back in the Lost Cities.

Maybe she should've brought the others with her, that way she could at least have dragged him back, willingly or not.

Well, she can't turn back time, so she'll just have to go back to the Lost Cities and... how is she gonna get them to listen to her? By now they definitely noticed her disappearance, so if she went back now, she'd risk both getting an earful from Grady, and probably be banned from going on the mission to retrieve Keefe.

Well... what choice did she have? Now, if only she could find somewhere away from the humans to light leap...

Sophie wandered around the city of Paris in hopes of finding an empty park or something to light leap without exposing teleportation to humankind, or potentially making a person think they're crazy.

Unfortunately she was unable to find a place that met her requirements, and somehow ended up back in front of the hotel Keefe was staying at.

He's not coming back with me, just get the others, and then try again. Sophie reminded herself. Although, the alleyway next to the hotel is looking pretty empty... and there's dumpsters to hide behind so she can light leap... thanks, rich people, for scaring the loiterers out of this alleyway! Makes it very convenient for Sophie.

Sophie crept in, slowly and cautiously. She's watched enough horror movies that her nerves really just wanna get this over with, because and while this alleyway is conviently placed, it's a bit too conviently placed. And it fits her ideal spot to light leap almost perfectly. She's never this lucky unless something bad is gonna follow soon after.

After making it to the middle of the alley, with absolutely no problems, Sophie started to wonder if maybe Keefe not coming with her was the bad thing. Maybe this won't have drawbacks? She hid between two of the many dumpsters lining the alleyway walls filled with leftover food and- ew. Sophie shook her head. Leave, get the others, drag Keefe back.

She raised her crystal to the sky. Sophie never noticed a tracker being placed on her, nor did she realize it would be something that would ruin her plans

The light engulfed her with that familiar warmth, as she wrapped her concentration around herself, and light leaped back to Havenfield and-

Oh drat.

They see her. They were waiting... at least it makes Sophie's life easier? She won't have to make the first move, for the better or worst...

Unfortunately it seemed Dex, Grady, and Edaline were all at the top of the hill where the house sat.

"Sophie." Grady said calmly approaching her, with a serious look on his face. "Yes, dad?" She asked slightly reluctantly. He took a deep breath, and was about to speak, before Dex interrupted, running up to Sophie. "You promised you would bring us with you to get Keefe! You promised!" He yelled at her.

"I just thought-" Sophie started, but just like her father, was interrupted. "So you did go to the Lost Cities?" Edaline asked softly.

"I- yes... I went to the Lost Cities to try to get Keefe back." She said. "But I see now that I need everyone if I want to bring Keefe back." She continued before anyone could interrupt.

"If I was more petty, and less concerned about the Keefe situation, I'd deny your request of aid just out of spite." Dex stated, in a surprisingly out of character way. Grady did not look happy. "Neither of you are going. It's bad enough Sophie went and broke the law for the hundredth time now, but you too Dex?" Grady asked in a very tired dad voice, or would in Dex's case it be more of a tired uncle voice?

"Yes, that is correct." Dex nodded. "If it makes you feel better, we're probably gonna end up bringing the whole crew. Even Wonderboy." He whispered the last part with distaste.

"Okay, I'm going to regret doing this, and this probably makes me a terrible parent, but... I don't think I can change your mind on bringing that boy back, but... fine, you guys can go." Grady said in defeat, "but only after you come up with a plan!"

Sophie and Dex wasted no time, and made a beeline to her room to plan. They called their other friends here, and after they all arrived, started planning what they wanted to do, while huddled over a map (a projection of the layout of the area surrounding the hotel Keefe was staying at, thanks to Sophie's photographic memory) and trying to figure out which routes they should take, to get in, out, and in case something goes wrong.

So far, they've decided that the alleyway Sophie used earlier should only be used as a last ditch resort. Honestly Sophie was kinda glad, 'cause that alley gave her the creeps, fancy hotel or not.

They decided on trying to teleport on top of the fancy building, make their way downstairs, grab Keefe, drag him to the alleyway, teleport out...


Sorry this chapter isn't great, I was really trying to build up to the point I've been trying to get to throughout the story, but it just either didn't quite click together, or felt too rushed, so I'm hoping I can bring forth the scene hopefully in the next one or two updates. Until then!

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Sep 02 ⏰

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