Chapter Twenty-Seven - The Duel

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Midnight hit, Clay already waiting. Luke was with him, leaned against a nearby tree. “Are you sure about this, Clay?” Luke asked.
“I’m fully sure.” Clay said.
“You’re gonna hold back at least a little bit, right?”
“I can’t. She needs to know the dangers.”
“But what if she fails. You’ll stop then, right?”
“I wish I could. But I won’t end the fight until she surrenders.”
“And what if you kill her.” Luke said bluntly. “What then?”
“Then her blood will forever be on my hands.” Clay said coldly.
“Does that idea not scare or worry you in the slightest?” Luke asked, shouting.
“It terrifies me. Hurts to even consider.”
“Then why are you risking it?”
“If she does end up dying during this duel, at least it’ll be quick and easy.” Clay said, looking down. Luke just fell silent. He knew it had to be terrifying to even fight family, but possible death? And all for the sake it was easier rather than terrible? It was dangerous and terrible, but it was for a better option.

Drista finally showed up, wearing her homemade hero uniform. “You’re late.” Clay stated. “I could’ve escaped.”
“But you didn’t.” Drista said. “Now are we gonna-”
“Fight?” Clay cut off. “Absolutely. But do know, I won’t hold back and this fight will not end until either one of us fully loses or one of us surrenders.”
“Fully loses..?” Drista asked, her voice shaking a bit.
“Villains won’t spare you. Not unless you surrender. That’s how we’re treating it today.”
“Okay.. Alright. Let’s do it then.”
“Alright. Let’s see what you can do.”

Without any second thought, Dream sprinted towards Drista, landing a kick against her stomach. Drista stumbled back, grasping her stomach. Dream went to kick again, but Drista dodged just in time. She sprung up, landing a punch to Dream’s face. She went to swing again, when Dream grabbed her arm, twisting it near breakage. “AGH SHIT-” Drista shouted, kicking Dream off. “What the hell!?!” She shouted.
“I told you there would be no holding back.” Dream said, pulling out a pocket knife.
“Is.. Is that a weapon??” Drista asked, taking a small step back. “You didn’t say there would be weapons allowed!”
“Weapons should always be expected. You’re going against a villain. Someone who doesn’t care. Someone who won’t hold back.” Dream stepped closer. “Are you surrendering?”
“Hell no.” Drista responded, sprinting towards Dream, tackling him to the ground. In response, Dream took the pocket knife, slicing Drista’s arm. She winced, her weak moment giving Dream the perfect opportunity to shove her off, the knife against Drista. “Surrender, drista..” Dream said, a little desperate for her to surrender.
“Over my dead body.” Drista hissed.
“So be it.” Dream turned his head away, taking a deep breath, before stabbing the pocket knife into Drista. She completely froze, letting out a gasp, looking at the wound then back up at Dream. “You-...”
“I’m sorry… It was for the better…” Clay whispered, tears forming in his eyes.
“Was it..? Was it really…?” Drista choked out, tears streaming down her face.
“I’m sorry.. I’m so sorry.” Clay dropped the knife, hugging Drista tightly. She coughed, weakly hugging back, her grasp slowly loosening. “I’m so sorry..” Clay muttered out again, sobbing by now as his sister died in his arms. He had won the duel, but it was nowhere worth it.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 27 ⏰

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