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"Like why would you do that?" Yoongi said as he and Jungkook walked outside of the ice cream shop to the seats outside, he was telling Jungkook about Hoseok and his fear of heights. "Hobi did it anyways though and ended up passing out." Yoongi said, making Jungkook laugh, his cute nose scrunching up as he did.

Yoongi blushed a bit and looked down at his ice cream. Jungkook smiled as he looked at Yoongi. "You didn't go on the ride with him?" He asked as he bit his ice cream.

"No... I'm scare of heights too." Yoongi said.

Jungkook nodded. "I've been bungee jumping, I went upside down." He said.

"No no, shh I don't even want to imagine that!" Yoongi said as he ate a spoonful of ice cream.

Jungkook chuckled as he looked at Yoongi, his eyes shimmering. "I bet you'd go with me." Jungkook said.

"Fuck no." Yoongi said.

"Even if I held your hand? Or we jumped together?"

"No. Just get the idea out of your head, Jeon." Yoongi said.

Jungkook smiled. "Alright...  I'll try to think of other dates then." He said.

Yoongi blushed and looked over at him. "D-dates?"

Jungkook looked at him and blushed, his eyes wide. "Huh?! No! I-I didn't mean-! I know this isn't a date! Not that I'd want it to be one anyways-"

"Chill, damn the feeling is mutual but you could have been nice about it." Yoongi said.

"No, I- I mean I wouldn't not date you! I just-! we don't-! You know!" Jungkook's face burned as he blushed more and more, why couldn't he just shut up?! What was wrong with him?

"You'd date me?"

"No! Yes? Uh... I mean... no?"

"You okay?"

"No." Jungkook said with a pout.

Yoongi was quiet for a moment, his expression unreadable. "Maybe we should head back. I'm sure my mom needs my help." Yoongi said as he checked the time.

Jungkook watched as he got up and threw the trash away. He smacked himself in the forehead. "Stupid idiot what the fuck was that huh?!" He asked himself before he tried to act normal as Yoongi came back.

"Ready?" Yoongi asked.

Jungkook nodded before he got up and followed Yoongi to his car. He wanted to say something to Yoongi but decided it was best to keep his stupid mouth shut before he started talking out of his ass again.

Jungkook parked in Yoongi's driveway and turned his car off before he got out and grabbed their things they had gotten. He followed Yoongi inside of his house.

Yoongi went and said hello to his father and mother.

"Oh! You boys are back! Did you have fun?" His mother asked them.

Jungkook nodded. "Yes, ma'am... hello Mr. Min." Jungkook said, expecting the feeble man to keep quiet.

"Jungkook." He said, it sounded like he was 90 years old.

"Yes, sir?" Jungkook asked.

"You... played that... that beautiful song... the... other day." He said between gasps of air. Yoongi quickly walked behind him and adjusted the oxygen tube under his nose.

"Yes, sir." Jungkook said.

"It... it was so nice... to hear... someone play it... again." He said. Jungkook looked at Yoongi who frowned and look away.

Hate To Want You | YoonKook {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now