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Yoongi walked into his house with Jungkook in tow. "I'm home!" Yoongi called out. There was no answer.

Yoongi looked around, Jungkook tailing behind him as they made their way to the backyard. Yoongi smiled as he looked over at his father. "Getting some fresh air?" He asked him. "I brought Jungkookie home." He said as he sat down in front of his father.

Jungkook sat next to Yoongi and immediately frowned as he looked at the older man. He was in a wheelchair, he looked even skinner than the last time he saw him.

Yoongi looked over at Jungkook. "He stopped talking last night. He mostly just grunts and mumbles now.." Yoongi said softly.

"I'm sorry..." Jungkook said softly.

Yoongi shrugged softly before he leaned forward and fixed his father's blanket. He gently held his hands. "You're freezing, would you like another blanket?" Yoongi asked. His father blinked twice.

"I'll be back, where's mom?" He asked himself as he walked back inside.

Jungkook watched Yoongi's father as he stared at Jungkook.

"Jung... kook." It came out in a mumble. Jungkook leaned forward and gently held his hand to let him know he was there.

"Take... care." There was a long pause. "Of my.... baby.... please."

Jungkook felt tears pool in his eyes. "I will sir. I promise." He said softly he watched as the older gentleman lightly nodded before closing his eyes.

Jungkook felt panicked set in. "Y-Yoongi?!" He shouted.

Yoongi came running out. "What?"

"He- he was talking to me then he-"

Yoongi checked his pulse before he wrapped the blanket around his shoulders "He just fell asleep... sorry, I forgot to tell you he does that a lot now. He's on morphine and some other stuff to make him comfortable and it makes him drowsy, plus just breathing is an exertion." Yoongi said as he sat back down.

Jungkook wiped his tears away. "I'm sorry..." he said.

Yoongi looked over at him before he held his hand out. Jungkook took it immediately and interlaced their fingers. Yoongi rested his head on Jungkook's shoulder and closed his eyes as he enjoyed the sunlight.

Jungkook gently rested his head against Yoongi's and closed his eyes too. Yoongi's mother stood at the window and watched them with a small smile on her face before she walked back into the kitchen.

"Yoon... Yoon..."

Yoongi woke up and looked at his father. He didn't know they all had fallen asleep outside. "Sorry dad. Do you want to go in?" He asked as he gently shook Jungkook.

Jungkook woke up and yawned. "We fell asleep?" He asked.

"Yeah and dad wants to go in." Yoongi said before he got up and started to wheel his father back inside with Jungkook behind him.

"I'll take him, Jungkookie, could you help me?" Yoongi's mother asked.

"Yoongi-yah, can you go check on dinner?" She asked.

"Yeah..." Yoongi looked over at Jungkook before he looked at his mom. "Could Jungkook stay the night?" He asked.

Jungkook looked at him, confused before he looked over at Yoongi's mother. "Oh, of course, if it's alright with his parents!" She said before she and Jungkook walked to the back bedroom.

After Jungkook had lifted Mr. Min and gently placed him onto his bed, he walked out to Yoongi. "So... you want me to stay the night?" He asked as he leaned in the doorway, his hands in his pockets.

"Yeah... is that weird of me to want my friend to stay over?" Yoongi asked.

"No... just..." Jungkook wasn't sure if he could stay because he wasn't sure how he felt about that word, friends, to describe him and Yoongi.

"I just... I know you go home to a big empty house and I just thought... I'm sorry." Yoongi said softly as he looked over at Jungkook.

"No no, thank you, I appreciate the offer... I... wouldn't mind... staying." He said with uncertainty that went unnoticed by Yoongi.

"Really?! Awesome! We can do whatever you want after dinner." Yoongi said.

Jungkook nodded. "Should I go home and get my things?"

"Oh, yeah probably." Yoongi said with a smile.

Jungkook nodded and smiled before he grabbed his keys. "I'll be right back then." He said as he left with a smile on his face.

As Jungkook was packing his bag, there was a knock on his bedroom door. Jungkook walked over and opened it.

"Oh, mom-"

"Well, how's your paper going?"

Jungkook sighed softly and walked over to his backpack and pulled it out before handing it over to her. She looked it over and smiled.

" 'Perfect could turn it in as is!' Ah Jungkook-ah! I'm so proud of you!" She said.

Jungkook nodded. "Thanks. It's cool if I go over to a friend's right?"

"Is your homework done?"

"Finished it at school." He said.

"Then it's fine. Your father and I have a work convention to go to , would you like to go? You can do whatever you want." She said as she set his paper down on his bed.

"Can I stay home? There a party this weekend." Jungkook said.

"Sure... no girls over though." She said.

Jungkook nodded. "I'm sure that'll be absolutely no problem." He deadpanned before he looked down at his phone as Yoongi called him.

Jungkook smiled as he answered. "Hey hyung! I'm about to head back."

"Okay, I'm waiting for you on the couch, just text me when you're at the door, dad went to sleep." Yoongi said quietly.

"Okay, hyung. I'll be there soon." Jungkook said before he hung up. "I'll see you when you get back."

"I'll give you a thousand for the weekend, if you need more just let me know." His mother said. "Oh and I told the help they can have the weekend off so if you need anything-"

"I'm eighteen, I'll figure it out mom." Jungkook said before he grabbed his bag.

"Okay. Text us if you change your mind about coming!" His mother said as he left.

Jungkook parked his car in the street before he walked up to the door and texted Yoongi. A couple seconds passed and Yoongi opened the door, already showered and in his pajamas.

Jungkook looked him over. "Shit."

Yoongi blushed and hugged himself. "What?" He asked.

"No! Not you, you look... uh..."

Yoongi stared at Jungkook as he waited for him to stop stuttering over himself.

"I just-! I... well... I forgot to shower." Jungkook said.

Yoongi smiled and let him in. "You can shower here if you want."

Jungkook nodded. "Thank you."

Yoongi lead him upstairs to the bathroom, grabbing him a clean towel as well before he went to his room. Jungkook followed him and set his things down. Yoongi climbed onto his bed and got underneath his covers.

"I won't take long." Jungkook said as he got his toothbrush and clothes out, leaving his clothes on the bed before he left Yoongi's room.

Hate To Want You | YoonKook {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now