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Yoongi was watching TV when Jungkook walked back in with nothing but a towel around his waist. Yoongi glanced at him before he blushed and quickly looked away.

"What are you watching?" Jungkook asked.

Yoongi glanced at him before he brought his hand up to the side of his eye to block Jungkook from his vision.

"Uh... just... Law and Order... SVU... it's an American show." Yoongi mumbled as he tried to keep his focus on the TV, but he really wanted to look.

Yoongi slowly moved his hand down and looked down at the towel around Jungkook's waist before his eyes slowly drifted up to Jungkook's abs then to his chest.

Jungkook pushed his hair back as he kept his eyes on the TV. "Wow, it's pretty serious." He said.

"Y-yeah... they... get it from real life cases sometimes..." Yoongi said as he stared at Jungkook. His mind drifting off to not so appropriate things about his friend. He thought about his first encounter with Jungkook, being his and Jimin's look out. This is what Jimin got to see all the time? Got to feel all the time? It wasn't fair.

Jungkook looked over at Yoongi as a commercial popped up. "Hyung?" He asked as he blushed.

Yoongi quickly looked away. "Sorry. I zoned out." He said as he sunk further down under his comforter.

Jungkook smiled to himself before he grabbed his clothes. "I'm gonna go change." He said as he walked out.

Yoongi blushed as he hid underneath his blankets.

Jungkook hesitated as he walked back in. He thought maybe Yoongi had fallen asleep. "Hyung?" He asked in a whisper.

Yoongi poked his head out. "I was cold." He said, blushing as a shirtless Jungkook fresh out the shower in cute blue adventure time pj bottoms walked over to him.

Yoongi stared at him before he scooted over and opened the blanket. Jungkook crawled into the bed next to him. He looked over at Yoongi.

"You can only cuddle me when you're sick?" He asked.

Yoongi blushed. "I uh..."

"I'm joking, hyung." Jungkook said with a smile.

Yoongi blushed more and laughed a bit. "Right." He said.

Jungkook turned over on his side and looked Yoongi over. "We should get to know each other better. Let's play twenty questions."

Yoongi groaned. "What are we ten? But fine..." he said as he turned and looked at the younger.

"I'll go first asking. When is your birthday?" Jungkook asked.

"March 9th."

"September 1st"

Yoongi nodded before he thought of a question. "What's your favorite color?" He asked.

"Red... what's something you've always wanted to do?" Jungkook asked.

Yoongi blushed. "I... okay the real reason why I didn't let you kiss me Monday was because I've never... I mean yes I was sick but also I've never... really kissed anyone before." Yoongi mumbled.

Hate To Want You | YoonKook {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now