Chapter 2

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I've lived alone for about a year now. Well about five years ago I found a bird outside and because he couldn't fly I took him in and he lived with me. It was a Blue Rock Thrush, his name is Miro. Mikey often told me I could live with him, but it was still a little too early for that. Anyways, I was just relaxing at home when I heard someone ringing the doorbell. I went downstairs and opened the door to find Mikey. He looked really stressed, but his stressful face vanished when he saw me. "Mikey? What's going on?" I asked carefully. He walked up to me and pulled me into his embrace. "Thank's God you're okay." He mumbled in my neck. "Mikey? What's wrong?" I asked once again. He pulled me inside my house while he started to explain. "There is a new gang moebius; they're after our gang, and Pah's best friend got beaten up along with his best friend's girlfriend, who got raped." He went over to my bed and sat down there, pulling me on his lap. "I just had to make sure; they're not after you." He told me. "Oh, Mikey." I said in awe and snuggled up against his chest. "I'm totally fine. Nothing strange has happened." I told him with a small smile. "I don't want you to go outside alone. Either I will be with you or another gang member I dearly trust." Mikey spoke, and I looked up at him. "If that's what makes you happy, I'm fine with it," I said. He looked more relieved now and hugged me again. "There is a gang meeting tonight; would you like to come?" "Sure, I guess, I'm free tonight, and besides, it's the weekend, and I'm free of school." I told him. "That's good, then let's go," he said cheerfully and started running to my front door, pulling me along.

At the meeting:

I sat behind Mikey on his bike, and we waited for the other members to arrive when I noticed Takemichi and a girl, probably his girlfriend or something. I got up and walked over to them. Two members were just threatening Takemichi. I quickly walked over to them and gave them a slap on the back of the head. Takashi Mitsuya, the second division commander, then also came over to us. "Hang on, are you Takemichi Hanagaki?" "Y-yes," he answered, scared. "What're you scarin' the commander's guest for?" he said, giving them a kick in the ass. "Terribly sorry, sir." They said and walked away. "Thanks Takashi." I said, and he gave me a warm smile. "Come with me." He told Takemichi, and I looked at the girl and asked, "Are you his girlfriend?" I asked her, and she smiled at me, unsure. "Yeah," she answered. "You're really pretty." I told her with an eyes-closed smile. She blushed at my comment, and we followed Mitsuya over to Mikey.

Mikey turned to us, and his face lit up when he saw me. I walked over to him, and he raised his arms to embrace me. "Don't just walk away like that; I was worried when you suddenly were gone." He told me with a pout, and I quickly peeked his lips. He then saw Takemichi behind me. "Heya, Takemitchy. Sorry for inviting you here out of the blue. "Why'd you bring your wifey here?" Draken asked him. "Sorry, I had no idea it'd be like this." Draken then walked up to her and apologized for something I had no idea happened. "Hey Emma!" Draken then called Emma over, and a minute later Hina—how I learned her name was—beat up Takemichi.

After that, I took Takemichi by the arm and pulled him over to Draken and Mikey. "All right, gather 'round, everybody! We're starting our meeting." We then walked up the stairs, where the members first greeted us. "Good evening, Commander!" They yelled. Mikey was at the front, me next to him, with Draken behind us, Takemichi behind him, and the five division commanders behind him. The commanders stopped along with Takemichi, who stood at the side, while Mikey stood at the top of the stairs, with me next to him. I wore a large jacked, similar to Mikeys, but his had the name First Tokyo and mine was First Lady. " We're gathered here today to talk about Moebius. If they go against us, it'll turn into a huge conflict. "So... tell me what you all think." Mikey said, and one moment later, Takemichi got kicked in the back, and Pah and Peh started scaring him down until Takashi intervened. "Don't hold it against him, Takemichi; Pah's pretty pissed off right now. "What happened?" I heard Takemichi asking Takashi. "Moebius's leader, a guy named Osanai, got into it with his friend over something stupid. Pah's bud got the shit beaten out of him, then they raped his girlfriend right in front of him. To top it off, they took all his money and beat up his parents and siblings later." He told the story, and I gasped in shock. Mikey took my hand and started stronking it. Mikey didn't tell me it was that bad. "So, what do you want to do, Pah?" Mikey asked him "We gonna fight?" He asked. "They're two generations above our gang. Toman's not going to walk away unscathed. I'd end up making trouble for all of your guys. But I'm so pissed off, Mikey." "That's not what I asked." Mikey interrupted him. "Are we going to fight, or what?" Pah then started yelling. "I want to fight! I want to murder all those suns of bitches!" He yelled with small tears in his eyes. "Yeah, I figured," Mikey said with a small smile. "Anyone here think that Pah's bud getting his ass kicked is too much trouble to deal with? Anyone scared because Pah's bud got beaten up!?" He yelled with a smile on his face, and on the other team members's faces, you could also see huge smiles. "See? There's no one!" Everybody just grinned, and I walked down to Pah with a kind smile. "We're gonna crush Moebius!" Mikey yelled, and the Toman members started cheering. "August 3rd! The Musashi Festival is where it's all going to go down." Mikey said, and with that, the meeting ended.

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