Chapter 13

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-2 years ago

I was sitting next to Mikey in the cafe. We met up to look at the new Toman jackets Mitsuya made for us. "All right! Let's hurry up and get changed so we can take our photo, right, Mikey?" Draken said and looked at him as he ate his ice. Mikey looked up with the spoon still in his mouth. "What?! You bastard! Why the hell are you eating all of my chocolate parfait?!" "Oh, now that you mention it..." Mikey mumbled "I said you could have one bite!" Draken told him annoyed. "Just order another one." Mikey told him and leaned himself against me. "That's not the point!" "What is, then?" "I wanted to eat this chocolate parfait." Draken yelled at him annoyed "Ahhh." "God, why are you always like that?" Baji asked, annoyed. "Don't worry, Ken-chin. I'll buy you another." I told him and smiled sweetly. Mikey looked at me with narrowed eyes. "No!" He yelled, and the others facepalmed.

We then all put on the uniform, and the boys punched a poor man to take a picture of us. "I'm gonna take the photo." "Hurry it up!" Draken yelled. "O-Okay. Say cheese." He said and took the photo. At the front, there was a banner with our gang name on it. Mikey and I sat next to each other; he had an arm around my shoulder and pulled me close to him. Next to us on the left was Pah, and on the right was Draken. Behind Draken were Baji and Kazutora, and behind Pah was Mitsuya. After we got the photo, we thought about what we would do now. "Let's go to the beach!" I yelled out with sparks in my eyes, and soon we made our way to the bikes.

"We're at the beach, bitches!" Draken yelled when he saw the beach from afar. "Oh shit! This fewels awesome!" Baji also yelled. "The ocean breaks rocks!" "Hey, go faster." Pah told Mitsyua since he was sitting behind him. "The hell I'm supposed to do? He's so damn slow," he said and looked at Mikey, who was driving his moped behind the others. I sat behind Mikey and had my arms around his chest. The others stopped and looked at Mikey, annoyed. "Mikey!" they all yelled. "Dude, Mikey, how long are you going to rock that mopet? You're our commander." "Swich it out to a normal bike already." "It's fine; it was a present from Y/N on my birthday a few years ago. You shittin' on my ride? My CB250T 50cc Model... Street Hawk!" Mikey yelled proud, and I buried my face in his back. "Street hawk, my ass. It's just a damn moped. You can't even rev it." "Some idiots try to and just end up taking off." "That sounds like Mikey." "Now that it would matter, since he's slow as shit." The others commented, and Mikey looked away angrily. "I know you want to ride anything but a CB250T, but there's no older here to let you borrow one. So what're you going to do?" He asked, but Mikey couldn't answer since another gang approached us.

"Looking at those widdle babies wearing them gang jackets." "Tokyo Manji gang? Never heard of you." "Where the hell did you wash up from?." "If you little shit's going to play pretend, do that back home. Get the hell out of Yokohame." A boy came forward. "Since we're here and all... I'll go ahead and scrap that little moped of yours. I'm sure you don't need it." One spoke and came forward with a bat. I, still behind Mikey on his moped, held onto his shirt thighly as I was kind of scared of these guys. "Lay one finger on my precious Street Hawk, and I'll kill you." Mikey spoke, and the boss soon disappeared, with his man following behind. "We're going to crush you next time we see you around these parts!" "We'll tourcher all your bikes too." "Go home and study!" They yelled and drove away.

"What do you want to do? Wanna murder them?" Baji asked Mikey. "Nice, we could end them instantly with those numbers." Kazu also added. "Don't they already left." Mitsuya said, and I was kind of relieved he did. I didn't really want to be apart in a fight. "I'm stupid, so I don't care what we do." "This is all your fault for riding a moped, Mikey." "For sure!" They all agreed. "Huh? What's that supposed to mean?" The others then got back on the mopeds, and we continued driving to the ocean.

"Y'all are too soft. We should've pounded those assholes." "Right?" Baji agreed to Kazutora. "Mikey's calmed down ever since he started hanging out with Y/n-chan." Baji said. "Haha, I should've stolen her from him." Kazutora laughed at his joke. As we drove, we suddenly came to a stop. "What's wrong?" "I think I'm out of gas," Mikey said. "You're shitting me." Baji said annoyed. "How many times did we tell you we'd be riding pretty far?" "You really stink at planning, Mikey." "Go to a gas station." "We're going to head down to the beach." Draken ended. "Oh, shit. This is an emergency. Toman's in some serious shit now." Mikey stated. "Uh, no. This is your own problem." Kazutora told him. "But it's not just my problem. Which means the one who's going to go to the gas station is...whoever loses a rock-paper scissors." Mikey said while grinning cutely. They all got in a circle, and I was also about to take part in the rock-paper-sicssor, but Mikey stopped me. "It's way too hot for you to drag my moped down the street." He said, and like that, I was left out.

Baji lost. Mikey took Baji's bike, and I told him I would be riding with Kazutora, which was a lie. Kazutora thought I would ride with Mikey, so nobody questioned it, and when nobody watched, I quickly walked after Baji. When he saw me, he looked at me surprised, but I just kept smiling at him. "You shouldn't do that alone when it's Mikey's fault." I said and grinned at him. "And Mikey, let you go?!" Baji asked me. "Nope," I told him with a sweet smile.

-Toman's angel- Mikey x y/nWhere stories live. Discover now