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"Ne zaman geldin? Nasıl geldin? Seni çok özledim yaa..." Amna engulfed Aysun in another hug.

[ When did you come? How did you come? İ missed you so much... ]

"Ya Allah..." Aysun tried pulling away from the bone-breaking hug.

Amna finally pulled away, smiling smugly at Aysun.

"Allah Allah. Kemiklerim kırılacak." Aysun rubbed her back.

[ Allah Allah. My bones will break. ]

"Bana ne..." Amna shrugged.

[ What is it to me... ]

"Tövbe tövbe... Tamam, yeter. Düğününüz ne zaman?" Aysun leaned forward, her curiosity piqued.

[ Repentance repentance... Okay, enough. When is your wedding? ]

"Bir hafta sonra..." Her smile dropped as she looked down at her lap, fiddling with the hem of her shirt.

[ One week later... ]

"Ne oldu?" Aysun asked reaching her hand out to hold Amna's.

[ What happened? ]

"Onu evlenmek istemiyor musun?" Aysun asked again upon Amna's lack of response.

[ You don't want to marry him? ]

Amna shook her head.

"O zaman?" Aysun was growing concerned.

[ Then? ]

"Biliyorsun... Beş yıl önce ne olduğunu biliyorsun..." Aysun just sighed at the response. That was the least thing she was expecting het it was still an important aspect of Amna's life.

[ You know... You know What happened five years ago... ]

"Amna... Canım, aşkım benim. O senin geçmişin, şimdiki zamanın değil." Aysun was gentle with her words, trying to make her understand.

[ Amna... Dear, my love. That's your past, not your present. ]

"Ama-" she was cut off before she could speak

[ But- ]

"Hayır. Bana bak. Ne olduğunu biliyorum. Ama o senin hatan değildi. O şerefsizin hataydı." Her words were sharp and comforting too.

[ No. Look at me. I know what happened. But that was not your fault. İt was that dishonorable person's fault. ]

"Unutsun onu yaa... Evleniyorsun... Çok daha iyi olacak biriyle. O şerefsizin yaptığı geçmişte kaldı ve senin suçun değil. Anladın mı beni?" She continued explaining while squeezing Amna's hand to comfort her.

[ Forget him... You're getting married... To someone better. What that dishonorable person did is in the past and it's not your fault. Do you understand me? ]

Amna nodded as she stared at her friend's face.

"Şu üzgün suratını bırak, beni hasta ediyor." Aysun stated sternly.

[ Drop that sad face, it's making me sick. ]

Amna chuckled at her friend's disgusted face and smiled.

"İyi mi?" Amna asked raising a brow.

[ İs it okay? ]

"Çok iyi." Aysun smiled back. 

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