05. Like Idol, Like Fans

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"Cut!" Hwang PD yelled, signaling the end of the first scene for the premiere episode of The Lucky Fans.

Rhea was relieved that the shoot had gone smoothly. The warmth and friendliness of the Super Junior and 2PM members made it hard for her to believe that her idols were right in front of her. They treated the lucky fans with such kindness. Unfortunately, not all of Super Junior could be part of the program—only six members participated, perhaps to match the number of 2PM members and the selected fans.

"Let's take a group photo!" Following Hwang PD's instructions, several staff members quickly began arranging everyone's positions. They worked diligently to ensure that everyone had a spot in the photo.

For a moment, Rhea felt as though the oxygen around her had vanished. How could it not? Dong Hae was standing right next to her, so close that she could catch the subtle scent of his cologne. And if Dong Hae was there, Eun Hyuk was surely nearby as well.

Rhea glanced at Elisa, who was striking a seated pose in front of her, a cold sweat forming on her temple. Rhea was certain that Elisa's heart must have been bursting with excitement, given that she was sitting next to none other than her ultimate bias, Woo Young.

"Did you have a good trip?" Dong Hae whispered in Rhea's ear.

"Aih, kamjjagiya!" Dong Hae's unexpected question startled Rhea and drew the attention of everyone around. She quickly apologized, feeling uncomfortable with being the center of attention.

"Waeyo?" Lee Teuk asked.

"Dong Hae-ssi's sudden question caught me off guard," Rhea explained, trying to hide her embarrassment.

"Ya, Lee Dong Hae! How could you tease our precious ELF like that?" Eun Hyuk immediately nudged Dong Hae, shifting positions until Eun Hyuk was now standing beside Rhea. "Geokjeonghajima. Let's get this photo started!" Eun Hyuk gave Rhea's shoulder a reassuring pat, and this time, they truly snapped the photo.

There would be two photos taken for documentation purposes, with the final one to be captured outside the airport. Once again, the staff of The Lucky Fans arranged everyone's positions. Now, Jennifer, the Canadian Hottest, stood to Rhea's left. Where Rhea had previously stood beside Eun Hyuk, Taec Yeon was now positioned to her right.

"Taec Yeon-ssi, you're really so tall!" she exclaimed in amazement. Rhea had never seen anyone as tall as Taec Yeon in real life. Any man she had met before was about her own height.

Taec Yeon chuckled at Rhea's spontaneous remark. "Kamsahamnida. How tall are you, by the way?"

"163 centimeters," Rhea replied briefly before the staff began taking their photos.

Jun Ho, standing next to Taec Yeon, asked what they had just been talking about. After Taec Yeon explained, both of them burst into laughter. Rhea wasn't sure what was so funny, but one thing was certain: Ok Taec Yeon was incredibly tall.

"Hana, dul, set!"

"The Lucky Fans, hwaiting!" They shouted in unison.


Sang Hee escorted the lucky fans to an apartment where they would be staying for the month. The place featured two bedrooms, each equipped with two bunk beds and a single bed.

"You're free to do whatever you like until this evening. The The Lucky Fans team will pick you up around six o'clock for the dinner shoot with Super Junior and 2PM," Sang Hee said before taking her leave, having explained the next steps of the schedule.

The Lucky Fans (LEE JUN HO'S FANFICTION // ENG VER)Where stories live. Discover now