Jun Ho's Side 5: This is Destiny

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"Get some sleep; I'll wake you up when we arrive." Jun Ho closed his eyes during the ride to the next location.

That day, he had at least four schedules at different locations, and later on, he'd only have three hours to rest at home. With his popularity soaring, it was no surprise that brands and producers were lining up to collaborate.

After the drama King the Land wrapped up, Jun Ho received a ton of offers for new dramas. But he still hadn't decided which one to take; there were plenty of scripts he hadn't read yet. He wanted to choose a different role, but nothing had caught his eye so far.

They arrived at Space Mue twenty minutes later. Accompanied by Ji Hye and his manager, Jun Ho rushed up to the third floor, where the latest Calvin Klein store was opening. He wasn't alone—several other artists and idols were there too, like Moon Ga Young, Cha Eun Woo, Jung Kook from BTS, Hee Chul from Super Junior, and many more.

"Jun Ho-ya!" Hee Chul called out as he arrived, greeting Jun Ho with a warm hug. The two of them entered the venue together.

Reporters snapped photos of Jun Ho from every angle as he made his way through the store. He posed and flashed his signature heart sign. Since both he and Hee Chul were part of the same program, the reporters asked them to pose together.

"Hyung, nan ggalke." Jun Ho hugged Hee Chul. Even though the event wasn't over yet, he needed to dash to his next location for a photoshoot. At least he had managed to meet some important people behind the store opening.

As the three of them rode the escalator down, Jun Ho's gaze landed on the bookstore. He remembered there were a few books he needed to buy, especially some English books. With his packed schedule, he hadn't had much time to study English lately, but he wanted to pick it up again since he'd likely be communicating in English more often.

Jun Ho felt relieved to see the bookstore wasn't too crowded—just a handful of visitors. He wasn't in the mood to greet fans since he was extremely tired; he just wanted to get through his day's work.

Best sellers and new arrivals were always displayed near the entrance, and Jun Ho immediately spotted a few books there. However, he couldn't find any English books, which was a priority for him. "Jeogi." He called one of the employees.

"Can I help you with something?"

"Do you have any new English books? I can't find them here."

"Please wait a moment; I'll help you look for them." The employee checked the new arrivals section and found three new English books, handing them directly to Jun Ho.

"Kamsahamnida." The employee quickly left Jun Ho, rushing back to finish her pending tasks.

Jun Ho examined the topics covered in each book, studying them one by one to see what he needed. After analyzing, he decided to buy all three.

"What does this even mean? I don't get it."

Jun Ho let out a sigh as the voice echoed back. It was the same voice that had been with him every night, always speaking softly and lovingly in his dreams. The voice he imagined saying good morning when he woke up felt so real now. It rang clearly in his ears, almost as if it were right there with him.


No, that voice felt too real to be just a figment of his imagination. Jun Ho stopped in his tracks, standing in front of the cashier, ready to pay. But his body reflexively turned to search for the source of the voice. And sure enough ... the owner of the voice from his dreams was right there in front of him.

The woman was still unaware that Jun Ho was getting closer. As the distance between them closed, he asked, "Are you looking for something?"

In an interview with a magazine, Jun Ho had once mentioned that when he bumped into a woman three times by chance, he'd consider it destiny. He would go after her no matter what. From mint chocolate to the Han River and now to the bookstore, fate had woven their threads together.

"Oh, I'm looking for a novel to help me learn Korean, but I'm not sure which one is good," she said with a light laugh.

Jun Ho asked her to hold on for a moment while he searched for a novel he'd read before. There was one book he wanted to recommend to those close to him, and now ... Rhea had become one of those special people, or maybe ....

Jun Ho handed Rhea the novel Please Look After Mother by Shin Kyung Suk. The story revolves around a mother who goes missing in Seoul and the introspective journey her family undertakes to find her. "It's a heartfelt exploration of love, family, and sacrifice. Shin Kyung Suk-ssi has crafted a touching narrative that delves into the complex relationships within a family," Jun Ho explained.

"Wow! You really seem to love this novel," Rhea said, standing beside him and listening intently.

She briefly explained why she wanted to buy a Korean novel, even though she wasn't very fluent in the language yet. Wouldn't it be more practical to read it in English?

"Becoming an editor at a Korean publishing house is one of my dreams. How cool would it be to work in two publishing houses at the same time, one in London and one in Seoul? So, I want to start by learning Korean novels."

An idea popped into Jun Ho's mind, something that slipped out before he could think it through. "Do you want to learn Korean with me? In exchange, you can teach me English. Eottae?"

"Deal!" Without thinking twice, Rhea immediately accepted Jun Ho's offer. They shook hands. "Oh, let Hee Chul Oppa pay for this. He promised me," she added as Jun Ho offered to pay for the books.

Ugh, she was too close to Hee Chul, and Jun Ho felt a bit annoyed by it. "Alright then, I'll head out. Have a great day." He quickly paid for his books and went over to Ji Hye and his manager, who were waiting.

They needed to get to the next location soon. Ji Hye even had to grab a to-go salad for his lunch. "Ji Hye-ya, do you believe in destiny?" Jun Ho asked in the car, munching on his meal.

"I don't know, I don't really think about whether what happens in my life is destiny or not. Why? Do you believe in it?"

Jun Ho didn't answer, but the smile on his face said it all—he believed in destiny. Ji Hye smiled back, knowing everything that had happened at the bookstore. If that woman was indeed Jun Ho's destiny, she would definitely support him. Hopefully....

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