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December 6, 2022
David's POV
2 weeks later

Snow. That's all that was seen, I've never seen so much snow before in my life. "David. David!" Ricky, that was the boys name, yelled. I focused back on the task at hand. "Come on. We have to be quiet." He whispered. He was helping me break out of here. We made it to the gate that kept us locked in and he inserted a key. I had so many questions. "This is as far as I go." He whispered and opened the creaky gate. "Here." He took a folded piece of paper out of his pocket and gave it to me.

"He'll be able to get you." He said one last time and gave me a sad smile. "Thank You." I said to him and he nodded. "Now go!" He whispered-yelled and it was just in time cause I heard guards. I ran and ran till I made it to the front gate, checking my surroundings and I opened the gate to freedom. Snow. A lot of snow. Was on the other side, I almost cried. I lifted my face up to the sky and smiled and let the snow fall down on me.

I laughed and then I cried. I didn't do that for long cause I had to go, they'll notice I'm gone in a few hours. I stepped idly into the snow and felt that crunch and smiled again then I ran.

·:*¨ ♱✮♱ ¨*:·

"Hello." David came in shivering. He wandered to a small restaurant that was sitting in a plaza. "Hi- ARE YOU OKAY?!" A woman came running to David and helping him sit down. "Y-yes...I-i need a p-phone." David said quickly. "Let's get you warmed up first. My God, you're shaking like a chihuahua." She smiled and David did the same. "Thanks.." he said and she patted his head.

A few moments later she came back with a blanket and space heater, plugging it into the charger port. David put his hands on it and let the warmth envelop him. "Thank you so much." He said again. "No problem." She smiled. "We don't really have any customers around this time anyways." She leaned against the counter and said. "Why not?" David asked. "It's pretty as hell in here and it's clean." He complimented and she laughed. "Well, that isn't all what customers want." She smiled and so did David.

"Right...can I see your phone now?" David changed the topic. "It's urgent." He said and she nodded. "Sure. I'll be back." She said and went into the back. David tired his head back to the TV that was playing. It was the news, it was just talking about the snow and how much it'll be. Until, a breaking news story came on and told that a patient from Saint Mark's Insane Hospital had ran away. David sucked in a breath. You didn't have to be a genius to know who that was.

"Here it is." The voice came back and the girl passed him the phone. "Thanks again." He said and she nodded and walked back to the back. David still had his eyes on the TV and dialed the number. It rung against his ear for a second. "Speak." The voice said.

"Oh um, I-im David and is friends with Ricky. He gave me this number to call once I got out of that place." David quickly said. "Yeah. Where are you right now?" He asked and I looked at the name of the restaurant. "Uh a Sally's Palace restaurant." David said. "Okay. It'll take us a few hours to get there cause of the storm but stay there." He said then hung up.

"Judging by that you'll be staying for a while. Hungry?" David shot his head back to the girl.


After finishing up eating that the girl was so kind to offer, they sat in the warmth and became friends. "So, your name is sally?" David asked. "No," she laughed and leaned her head against the couch. "My grandmothers. This was her restaurant." She said and David nodded. "So, like a family business?" He asked. "If that's what you want to call it. But my name is Jasmine, yours?" She asked.

"David." He said and she hummed. "I'll call you Davie." She laughed, they both laughed until they heard the sound of the restaurant door open. Jasmine immediately got up. "We're closed!" She yelled and David got up. "We're here for David." A strong deep voice said and the man was as big as a rock. "That's me." He said and the man looked to David. "Let's go." He said and walked out as someone held the door for him.

"You're leaving?" She pouted and David smiled. "Yeah. We can stay in touch though. Pass me your number." He said and she quickly got it. "Here." She pouted then hugged him. "Thanks for the food. You'll do great." David said and hugged back. She wiped a tear away and David left.

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