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David's POV
Present Day

"Everyone, listen up! We blow the shipment and get the hell out of here! This is our only chance before security gets wise!" I shouted into the coms, feeling the jolt of determination surge through my crew.

"YES, SIR!" They replied, and I could hear their energy shifting; the tide was turning.

I turned, focusing on the crates below as I signaled White to get into position. As the guards moved away, my chance gave me a flicker of hope—this could work if we acted decisively.

"On my mark!" I shouted, my heart pounding in my ears. "Three... Two... One... Now!"

For a split second, everything was still as we unleashed hell. The bombs ruptured, light and sound engulfing the air! Debris flew, figures scattered, and the world around me ignited. Whatever chaos followed was destined to veer us toward the confrontation I had trained for. I smiled. I did it. I really did it.


"WOOHOO!" The men clinked their glasses that was filled with beer and other alcohol substances. I laughed and clinked mines together with someone else's.

The makeshift bar was alive with laughter and shouts, the adrenaline from our successful heist still coursing through our veins. "Did you see the look on those guard's faces?" someone shouted over the noise, and the crew erupted in cheers. The cramped quarters of the rundown warehouse felt electric with a sense of victory, even as it stank of sweat and stale beer.

"Nothing like a good explosion to kick off a party!" One of them chimed in, a wicked grin plastered across his face. It was a long night and everyone deserved to finally relax. "Yeah, but remember, we're not out of the woods yet," someone replied which made me turn my head their way. "We've got to lay low. Those guys will come looking for us."

"Let them come!" roared another crew member, his eyes glinting with a mix of bravado and intoxication. "We'll take them on too! We're unstoppable!" I laughed at them and raised my glass high, the amber liquid sloshing against the sides. "To us! The best crew in the galaxy!"

"To us!" they echoed, their voices blending into a raucous chorus.

As the celebration coursed through the room, I stepped back for a moment, watching the crew revel in the thrill of our audacious act. It was risky, but we had pulled it off. The thrill of defiance lit up their faces, and for a moment, I allowed myself to imagine the feel of freedom waiting for us, farther down the line.
Suddenly, my comlink buzzed, shattering the celebratory mood. I tucked my drink aside and answered, my heart racing again.

"David, we have a situation," the voice crackled urgently on the other end.

"What's going on?" I asked, my pulse quickening.
"Abel's men... they're mobilizing. They're onto us faster than we thought. We might have company at the house soon." A chill crept into my spine. "How long do we have?" I asked, I had to warn everyone.

"Fifteen minutes, tops. You need to get everyone out now." I swallowed hard, glancing around at the men, still clinking their glasses, unaware of the impending danger. I had to act fast. "Alright, listen up!" I bellowed, cutting through the cheers and laughter. The room fell silent. "We've got company approaching. It's time to pack it up and move. Now!"

The sudden shift in mood was palpable. Faces turned serious, and the laughter was replaced with steely determination. The thrill of victory had turned into the adrenaline of survival.

"White, alert the others outside! Let's create a distraction if they show too soon!"

"Aye!" he responded, rushing out the side entrance.

Everyone scrambled around, their excitement replaced with the urgency of the moment. My heart pounded, not just with fear, but with a fierce kind of thrill.

As I collected my things, I couldn't help but think—this was only the beginning. "Let's go!" I shouted, feeling a palpable sense of exhilaration mixed with danger.

As we burst through the bar doors into the cool night air, I quickly scanned the surroundings. The dimly lit alleyways offered little cover, and the shadows loomed ominously. "Alright, stick together!" The bossman barked. Just as we made our way toward the main exit, multiple black cars and trucks alike pulled up all around us. It felt like my whole just came crashing down. I looked back at the men and some people were frozen in fear, others tried to run away but go shot in the process.

A car pulled up right infront of me and some other men and out stepped Abel, flanked by two hefty companions. His eyes glimmered with amusement, a predatory smile dancing on his lips.

"W-what's going on?" I said, forcing my voice to remain steady. Oh fuck fuck fuck. This isn't good, I felt like dying right then and there. "Abel will love this." He smiled sinisterly and stared right at me, move. Move. Move. My body and mind urged me but I couldn't move.

"Anyone that ran, kill em. Capture everyone else...and burn down this shit." He ordered to one of the men beside him. I touched the side of my pants for my gun but before I could even touch the tip, one of his men pounced on me and clunked me, knocking me out.

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