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David POV
Present Day

"Mm.." I groaned and cried, someone was touching me and shaking me. "Wake up." The voice said but I knocked their hand away. "Get up or you won't eat breakfast." The voice threatened but I stayed there, going back into my deep sleep.


I yawned and rolled over to check the time and it was 12pm. I rubbed my eyes and looked around the room, I was still tired as hell but I had to get up. Not only did Abel's dick knock me out, it also still had an effect on me. I cursed under my breath. My legs were shaking like crazy and I was getting dizzy, I sat back down slowly and took a few minutes.

Then I stood back up and it was much better, I changed out of my boxers and shorts and put on some new ones. I put on some dress shorts and a polo and walked downstairs to hear Abel and his brother chatting away. "Goodmorning." I grumbled out and got their attention. "Afternoon. Foods in the fridge." Abel said and I opened the fridge to see just that, food.

I put it in the microwave and went by Abel and sat down in one of the recliners. "What're we talking about I asked and crossed my legs. "Cain." Malcolm, Abel's brother, said and I was all ears now. I still had Cains number but if I used my phone my messages will immediately go to Abel's, don't ask how I know. My food dinged and I went to go grab it and come back where they were and ate it. "Mmm.. this is really good." I nodded my head.

"Abel made it." Malcolm said and I laughed. "He made this? I'm surprised." I said and Abel snorted. "He's never cooked for you when y'all were together?" Malcolm asked and I thought back to those days but I could only remember the bad. So I just shrugged. "Anyways, I'm going out today." I changed the subject. "Says who?" Abel asked and I rolled my eyes. "Says me." I said and looked at him. He smirked and shook his head no.

"You're not the boss of me." I said and he looked at his brother then me. "I'm not about to argue with you over this, the answers no." He said and I snorted. "Lol, I didn't ask you. But thanks." I said and got up, putting my plate in the sink. "How do I know you're not going to see your little boyfriend?" He asked and I snorted. "What? Boyfriend? And you'll know where I am at all times anyways." I pointed out. "We have to talk about our little plan, I found out where he lives and if you go over there I can't promise you your life." He pointed out.

"My life? And you can just get him at his party-''' I stopped myself but not early enough. "Don't stop. Continue." Abel got up and said. I looked away and sighed.


Did I end up telling him? Yes. Was it by choice? No. "Thanks. You can go now, someone will be with you. Oh and, be back by 6:30pm, so we can discuss this party." He said and Malcolm didn't say anything the whole time. I wanted to punch myself, I left the house and instructed one of the men to take me to jasmine's restaurant aka Sally's Palace.

The drive was long and silent, and the whole time I was aware of the person tailing me but I wasn't worried. "Thanks." I told the driver and got out, opening the door. The place was more packed than the last time I was here. "Hello welcome to Sally's palace, how may I- AHHHH DAVIEEEE!!" She yelled, gathering the attention from other people and jumped on me. I laughed and hugged her back and spinned her around. "Heyyy how's it been??" She smacked me with the towel over her shoulder. I smiled. "Fine. You?" I asked and she smiled harder. "Great great. Stay, I'm going to close the place down in a minute anyways." She said and I sat at one of the booths, were I can see the door.


It was finally closing time and she brung out two grilled cheeses with some tomato sauce and shots. "Thanks." I said and grabbed one and took a bite. "mmmm.." I groaned and threw my head back, it tasted so amazing. "Good, I know." She laughed and passed me the shot. "Try it with this." I finished chewing and threw the shot back. "Ouuu," I winced, hard and strong but tasted like heaven with it.

"Amazing." I said and she smiled. "Thanks." She danced and took a bite out of her food.

"So, tell me, what's been going on with your life and I want dets, you've been gone for soooo long. It's amazing to see you again." She smiled which made me smile. "Guy stuff." I said shyly, last time I was here we didn't really talk about things like that and I don't know how she'd react to finding out that I'm gay. "GOOD. Continue." She said excitedly and looked at her like she was crazy. "What? It's nice to have a gay friend, never had one. I want every sex detail too." She said and I laughed.


"Wow. I-uh, I don't even know what to say to that. Want me to call the cops?" She asked seriously which made me laugh. "No, but pray for me." I laughed and she bowed her head. "I definitely will." She said and pushed the plates to the side. "That's really crazy though. Not the craziest story I've ever heard but it's definitely the top 10." She said and I quirked an eyebrow.

"Ten? I'm kinda upset I'm not the first craziest person you've met." I said and she laughed. We chatted for a bit more and then I checked the time and realized it was 6:20, I needed to head back. "It was nice seeing you again but I've got to get going. Crazy man rules." I said and she understood. "Yeah but make sure you really call this time." She yelled out and I gave her a salute then left.

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