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David's POV
Present Day

"Where are we going?" I asked as the big man got in the car. "To my boss." Was all he said and the rest of the car ride was silent, so silent that you could hear the snow falling on the car. The car turned in to a shaped like donut circle and stopped. The big man opened the door and I got out. I noticed how big the house was, it had LED lights surrounded around the house. It was very nice.

"Follow me." The man said and I did, we walked into the mansion, it was warm inside. We walked up these long thick stairs and turned left to a door. "I can't go inside." Was all he said. I put my hand on the knob and twisted it, opening it. I walked in and shut the door behind me, the lights were dimmed. "Hello?" I called out. "Come here..." the voice said and I walked that way.

"Turn on the lamp." The voice said as I got closer so I rounded the bed and turned on the lamp. I gasped. "C-Cain?" I didn't believe it, he was alive? After all this time? He laughed. "Yeah...nice to see you also." He said. He looked the same but different.

"I thought he...killed you." I said and he gestured for me to sit down, I sat down in the chair that was next to his bed. "He did...but I came back with a few losses." I looked at his body and grimaced. "Not only did he kill my body but my soul. I have no intention of keeping Abel alive this round, and neither should you. He stole my money and my shares and my businesses. Do you know what's that like in my lifestyle? That's like killing my own family." He said and I looked away. Kill Abel? That was what I was here to do.

The thought of killing Abel made my stomach churn but it had to be done. Look at all the shit he put us through.

" I'm sorry that happened." I ended up saying. "I know what Abel did to you and I should be the one saying sorry." He said and I nodded. "Guess you can say he messed both of us up." I snorted. It was true, he paralyzed Cain and made me think I was crazy. "Enough with the sorrow. I have a plan." He changed the subject and now I was all ears.

"What's the plan?" I asked and he smiled crazily.

"3 days from now there's going to be this huge deal for him and his father. According to my knowledge, Abel will be there. Since I can't do it, I'm going to give you the resources to sabotage the deal. I believe it's weapons being imported from china that'll blow up a whole city." He paused and I nodded. "You'll go back to New York and destroy all of it before Abel can even see it. I'll handle the killing problem." I nodded at that too.

"Get ready cause you're going back to New York. You'll have a new identity, this life will not exist for you anymore. You've been given another chance David...don't fuck this up." He looked me in the eyes. I took a deep breath. "I won't. I promise." I said and he grinned. "Good. You're leaving tonight." He said.


You'll need this. There's this home that you'll stay at. Don't forget, this will benefit us both. I sucked in another breath. I've never done anything like this before and I don't know if I could. The taxi stopped in front of this huge mansion. I stepped out of the car and the cold air hit me hard in the face, it was snowy. I walked up the stairs and knocked on the door. "Hello." I called out. The door opened and this man in this butler suit came out. "Hello, you must be Mr. David Leto," he said.

"Yeah." I responded and he gave a small smile and let me in. "Welcome. Cain told us all about your stay, so, make yourself at home. You can go pick out a room and then we'll go from there and I'll explain the plan." He said and I nodded. "Thanks." I said and bowed, letting me in the house. It was warm as hell in here but it was absolutely gorgeous, beautiful. As I walked up the stairs, I looked all around me, the house was very quiet and clean to put it simple.

It didn't take me long to pick a room, mines was at the end of the hall and it had a fireplace in it. It was like a luxury apartment, bigger than any place I've stayed at, well besides ab- I made my way back down the stairs to see the butler and a couple of housekeepers. "Hello everyone." I said and they bowed then was dismissed. "Shall we get started?" He asked and I gave a small smile.

Let this begin then.

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