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David's POV
Present Day

After a few days of getting settled in the mansion and getting the plan stained into my mind, I prepared for it. Every little detail of it, this was the day I'd finally get my lick back. We had people on the inside and they'll update us before Abel got there. I've been training for this day too, fuck, you just don't know! Waking up every morning around 3am then ran about 2-4 miles, then do sit ups and shit like that. "Are you ready sir?" He asked and I nodded. "Yes." I responded. "You'll be loading up in van 3," he said. "Be careful." He said and then walked away.

I grabbed my black mask and tightened up my boots, I was in all black today. This day can't go wrong, it just can't. I left out of the room and went outside, everyone was out there wearing the same as me. I walked to van 3 and one of the men gave me a vest, guns and bombs. Now I was getting nervous, I ain't never did no shit like this before. "OKAY LOAD UP EVERYONE, WE HAVE 30 MINUTES. LETS GIVE ABEL A SURPRISE HE'LL NEVER FORGET !!" I guess the man who yelled was the one in charge, but everyone loaded up.

I got in and closed the door behind me. "Okay, look everyone," I said to the men with me, I pulled out the map of the airport. "No one on the outside can not get hurt, understand?" I looked at them through the mask, they nodded. "Good. Turn on your coms. Red you'll be going in first and assessing the place out, if anything that's not supposed to be there is there let us know. Black you'll check from the roof and let us know when it comes. Jack, blue, and white, you'll be with me and we'll hid the bombs from where the jet will land. Everyone understands?" I asked.

"YES SIR!" They said which made me smile like a happy father. "LETS DO THISSS!!" I yelled.


We made it to the airport and we broke off into our groups. Once I got to my spot and place my bombs, I waited for confirmation from the other groups. I take a deep breath, my heart racing with anticipation. I glance over at Jack, Blue, and White, all of them looking focused and ready. I give them a nod, and they nod back.

The sound of static crackles through the coms device in my ear as Red's voice comes through, "Alright, sir, I'm in position. The coast is clear, no unexpected guards or obstacles. Abel's jet is still on schedule to land in 10 minutes." I hear the sound of footsteps and rustling as Black takes position on the roof, "I've got eyes on the runway, sir. The jet's approaching. I can see Abel's security team taking positions around the perimeter."

Suddenly, my coms device crackles again, this time it's an unknown voice, "Uh, sir? This is... uh... Airport Security. We've had a report of a suspicious vehicle near the runway. We're sending a team to investigate." I suck in a breath and let my group know to go to the roof, so we'll be able to get a full view of what was going on. Panic surged through me as the gravity of the situation hit. My plan, meticulously laid out and rehearsed, was now teetering on the edge. "Everyone, to the roof, now!" I snapped into the coms, urgency lacing my voice. Jack, Blue, and White didn't hesitate, and within moments, we were sprinting toward the staircase leading up to the rooftop access.

Did someone see us? The last thing I needed was to throw everything into chaos just when Abel's shipment was supposed to land. Our footsteps echoed against the cold concrete walls, my heart pounding.
We burst onto the roof, the cool air hitting us like a wave. I scanned the area, spotting Black already positioned at the edge, his binoculars trained on the runway. "What do you see?" I hissed. "One security vehicle heading toward the suspicious van," Black replied, his voice calm despite the anxiety brewing in the pit of my stomach.

"They're sending another unit our way... looks like we might have only a couple of minutes before they investigate further." I cursed under my breath, my mind racing. "We need to stall them. Jack, head to the control tower and do whatever you can to buy us some time. Blue, stay with Black and keep an eye on Abel's jet. White, come with me. We need to keep these bombs hidden and our escape routes clear." Jack nodded, his expression serious, and dashed off towards the control tower. My pulse quickened as I turned back to White. "Let's move fast. We need to blend back into the shadows until the jet lands."
We jogged to the edge of the rooftop.

The runway stretched out beneath us, the sleek silhouette of Abel's jet approaching in the distance. The minutes ticked by agonizingly slow as I kept one eye on the approaching security vehicle while the other remained on the jet. "Sir, Abel's jet is landing," Black's voice crackled through the coms, and I felt a surge of hope. "But the guards are on high alert now, they're spreading out."

"Damn," I muttered, formulating a desperate plan in my mind. "We'll have to act fast. Once Abel is out of the jet, that's when we make our move. White, prepare yourself—we'll need to act swiftly." White seemed ready for anything, his grip tightening around his firearm. I turned back to the roof's edge, breathing deeply. The sound of the jet's engines roared closer, reverberating through the air.

Suddenly, my coms lit up again, and I could hear Jack's voice, frantic. "They're not listening! The tower won't respond. I think they know something's up—"
I threw a glance at White, adrenaline surging as the reality of the situation crashed over me. "We don't have time for this. Stay focused!" I yelled into the coms, trying to keep our spirits high. Just then, I saw Abel's jet touch down, and my heart raced in tandem with the plane's wheels skidding against the tarmac. It was time; we had to execute the final part of our plan—and we had to do it right.

"White, you stay back and cover us. I'll go down to the edge and wait for Abel," I instructed, my voice firm as I adjusted my mask. "Once he gets near, we will make our move." White nodded. We had no choice, we were supposed to have 30 minutes at least but something always go wrong, not this time though. "Got it, sir. Just don't get yourself caught."

I climbed down the roof access and slipped toward the edge of the building, ducking low. My heart thundered in my chest as I prepared myself for the moment of truth. Every ounce of my training led me to this point, and there was no turning back now. Abel wouldn't see me coming.

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