Chapter 1

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Tejal's Pov

I am a 15 years old Indian girl, and yes I am good at studies. Though sometime I'm brutally brusque. I am skinny,  it's not my fault I have health issues since forever and no matter how much I eat I don't gain weight.
Sometimes it gets annoying how whenever I meet someone they point out how "skinny" I am.

Anyway , I have a really loving and saintly women as my mother. Who, unlike the stereotypical Asian mother, never compaired me and supports me in every way possible.
She never leaves my side when I am sick,  which is quite often than normal.
She makes the best food in the world, she even taught me and my brother how to cook.

My father is a hardworking government officer. He gives me a piggyback ride every morning when I wake up . No matter how busy he is he makes sure to spend time with his family. I always make him and myself chai in the morning , which I just dunk in parleG (biscuit) and eat.

I also have my oh so lovely yet annoying brother who is 6 years older than me. He owns multiple restaurants and hotel, for which I'm proud of but I never show it.
He's just meh if anyone ask.
He never leaves a chance to annoy me or tease me.

Now, I do know I'm adopted, but I consider them my real family as the saying goes ,"The blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb".
And it's not like they ever treated me like an outsider,  they love me a lot and I love them.
My maternal family lives close to us which is a bonus,  we can meet whenever we want , do crazy stuff and no one will judge.
It's especially fun during festivals .
We're one big happy family.


Today I'm home alone, fun. Although the sky seems gloomy, like something bad is going to happen.
I called my mummy (mom) asking when they are coming home , they'll be home in an hour or so she said.
My mummy , papa and brother are out for some document work.

3 hours went by and they still didn't come, at this point I'm panicking,  this has never happened if they are late they always make sure to call. They are not picking up the call , all the worst case scenarios keep coming in my mind. I took my mobile lock the house to go to my badimummy's house (mother's older sister-aunt) which is just a 15 minute walk .

I'm running to her house,  as I ring the bell,  badimummy (aunt) opened the door . She was cheerful,  but as soon as she saw my anxious face she became worried.
I tell her what happened,  now my cousins and their parents are trying to call my parents to.
No one is saying anything, everyone is anxious and worried. My badimummy (aunt) called rest of the family who also lived close.
Everyone is gathered, no one seems to find any lead.

I'm just thinking the worst case scenario, my mind racing. Did something happen to them? What if they.......
No, no, no, no, think positive,  I tell myself.
A sob wrecked through my body, I can't control my tears anymore. My cousins are trying to comfort me.

Suddenly,  I get a call from an unknown number. With shaking hands I picked up the call and put it on speaker.
The call was from a hospital, what I feared the most happened, my whole world came crashing down.
Not believing the words I accused the caller for lying. 

"You are lying, you are lying... you.. you are one of the scam calls right... you are just trying to scam ,pretending to be a medical staff... don't lie about these stuff" I shouted .

My badepapa (mother's older sister's husband-uncle) took my phone and talked in other room. He came back crying, "let's go to the hospital " he said.
"No, no, this can't be happening" I said while shaking mu head in denial. "Lets go" he said while trying to control his shaking voice.

The drive to the hospital was long, every second seems like an hour long. Every signal took forever to turn green.
As soon as we reach the hospital,  I ran in with a shaking body and a shaky voice I ask the reception where my family was.
I look of pity came to her face , she took me and my maternal family to where my mom, dad and brother were.

There they were, lying motionless with injuries covering their body. Their hearts not beating. They seem as pale as a moon.
My breathing increases, I can hear my heartbeat, my heart pounding my chest, as though it is about to burst out.
My body is covered in cold sweat,  nothing seems real. All I can do is hold them and sob, hoping that somehow their hearts start beating again,  somehow they start breathing.

Hoping that it is just a sick prank.

Never have I ever imagined a life without them.

My cousins come hug me and cry, I wish was just a dream.

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