chapter- 20 : home

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Tejal's Pov:

After coming back from the hospital I wanted nothing more than to sleep.

I saw my room's door open, being cautious I look inside to see Raphaela sitting on my bed, wearing my pink sunglasses my mummy gifted me, while Leslie. Yes Leslie, was searching for something in my room.


Leslie and Raphaela flinch in surprise, neither of them expecting me to come.
They started at me wide eyed.

I hear footsteps rushing , in a few seconds my brothers, father and uncle were beside me.

"Didn't we tell you not to ever come in this house?" Xander asked his eyes glaring daggers at Leslie

I march and go near Raphaela and take my sunglasses back.
"Don't touch my things without my permission. " I say annoyed and angry.

I don't have the energy to deal with this .

"Ella, didn't I tell you never to hang out with Leslie? And Leslie how did you come back weren't you told by uncle to leave. " Xavier said

A lot of argument and crying happened , I don't remember any of it . I zoned out.

All I know is I don't have the energy to deal with all the drama not now, not later.

I zoned back in ,
"WHY DO I HAVE TO?"Raphaela shouted while crying
"Becau..." Father began but I interrupted him.

"Can you all just get out and for once, let me have some quiet alone time without any drama, or any of you trying to spend time with me." I say exhausted

"You..." Raphaela began but I shut her down

"AND without any of Raphaela's inferiority complex. Thank you, now get out of my room. "I demand

Everyone was stunned and speechless
"GET OUT " I shout irritated when no one moves.

One by one everyone leave, I slam the door shut. I slide down the door and just sit on the floor.

A few minutes later there was a knock on the door, I opened the door to see Xavier standing.
"You should come down to eat, da..." I slammed the door shut as he was talking.

I know my anger isn't his fault, me not wanting to go downstairs for dinner isn't his fault. He was just looking out for me, but I can't help but feel angry at my situation.

There was knock on the door again, I take a deep breath, sigh and open the door.

This time it was father with two plates in his hand.
"Since you didn't want to come down I brought you food, we can eat together in your room." He said

I opened the door wider letting him in, I take one of the plates and sit on my funky mushroom chair, while father sat on a normal chair which came with the study table.

I take a few bites of the food then, a question popped in my mind. What was Leslie searching for in my room?

Taking one more bite I look around to see if something is missing in my room.

Then I noticed it.

My family photo, which I kept on the nightstand is missing along with it's photo frame.

I stood up and frantically search for it. I was panicking. My breath coming out rapid and deep , there was tingling feeling in my feet.

Checking under the bed I saw the frame. Just the frame there was no photo.
This made my head heavy .

I flinch in surprise when I feel a hand on my shoulder,
"Hey, calm down, calm down. What happened?" Father asked

I showed him the photo frame with shaky hands and say,
"The photo, my family photo is not here."

"We'll search for it together, just calm down. Follow my breathing and calm down, we'll find the photo. " father said

We searched my whole room, the photo wasn't there.
"Raphaela, she must have taken it. But why would she do that, not like she gains anything from the photo. " I say and leave the room to go tonthe dinning room, since everyone except me and father would be there.

I speed walked into the dining room with father follow closely behind me.
Slamming the double doors open, walking angrily towards Raphaela I ask,
"Where is the photo?"

"What photo?" Raphaela asked
"The photo you took from my room" I say with my voice getting louder with each word.

"Don't know what you're talking about " she said and continue eating

"Ella give her the photo. " father said

"I said I don't know what you're talking about. " Raphaela said a little louder

"Don't make me go search your room Ella. " Father warns.

This time Raphaela gets up takes the photo out of her pocket, "here have your stupid photo back" she said while tearing the photo and throwing it on the floor.

I bend down to pick up the photo, and chuckle at the irony of the situation.

You see, this photo was taken when I was little, so even when mummy, papa and dada ( big brother in Marathi) were sitting on a stool while I was standing I, was still shorter than them.

When Raphaela tore the photo, the tear went across everyone's face except mine. I was unharmed, in real life and in the photo.

Picking up the two pieces of my family photo, I stand up straight ,
"I'm going back in my room, don't follow me, don't check up on me, don't disturb me. Better yet just don't be around me." I say to no one in particular and leave the room.

I can't do this anymore.

I don't want to live here anymore.

I'm going back home.

I reach my room and began packing the important thing, like my watch that papa gifted me, my sunglasses, my laptop, just the things that have a special place in my heart.

Booking a flight to Mumbai with my brother's credit card,which was in three hours I sneaked out of the house.

It's 10 pm currently, and I don't suppose anyone will come in my room till 11 or 12 am after what happened.

The flight duration is eight hours ( It's a false information just so it can fit the storyline) which gives me enough time to get away without anyone noticing.


I boarded the flight, and since I am tierd I just slept the whole way .


I pay the money to the Uber driver, I know. I know what I did was extremely dangerous but, I couldn't just take it anymore. I could have gone to Ushmil's house but that isn't my home, I wanted to go home and here I am.

Opening the door with the keys I had, I stepped inside.

I'm home.

I am relieved but burdened at the same time. I'm home, but no one is there. My family isn't here. It's just me, all alone.

I sit down on the couch, looking around I can still see my parents chatting while drinking tea. My brother and I fighting over stupid things. My papa giving me a piggyback ride and my mummy forcing me to drink milk.

It still doesn't feel real. I still am hoping that somehow my family comes back to me saying it was all a prank or something.

I roam around with all these memories replaying in my mind. I notice every detail.

Sometimes I wish I didn't meet my biological family, meeting them ment loosing my family, the family that I love with all my heart.


Not edited....

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