chapter- 16 : Burst out

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Raphaela Pov

I watch as dad patting my twin's hairs, my eyes narrowed. There is fury and jealousy raging in my heart.

Since she came everything is about her, Tejal can't eat this, Tejal is so smart, Tejal can't sleep, every fucking this is about her.

Yes her adoptive parents died , but they were not her real parents. But now she has her real parents so I don't get why she is still sad about their deaths. 
She should just get over it and stop making everything about her and her sadness.

I go to my room and did my nails to relax myself.


Next day after school father informed us that we are going to eat out. We all get ready and wait for my sister.

She comes down and everyone is praising her, mother said something that made her angry. Now she is throwing a tantrum saying she does not want to go, she should be grateful that mom and dad took her in and not trouble them.

After a while I see Xander holding her and making her sit inside the car. Again why does she make everything about her.

We all order food and Tejal began eating with her hand, copying her everyone else does too.
Why is she eating with her hands, it's unhygienic and I did my nails yesterday.

I try to ignore her and eat my food. Father and the twins were complementing the food when Tejal again had to make it about her.

So what if we are eating at her brother's restaurant, can't she just shut up and let us enjoy the food .

Walking out a women approach her she gave her an opportunity to be a model in xyz company. She is saying no to that.

I don't know what she has that I don't, why did she get the opportunity and I didn't .

Everything is so smooth for her, she is getting modeling opportunity, she skipped two grades, pretty sure she will be getting her brother's company too.

Most important she has freedom, I don't.  She can do anything she wants in future whil I have to be married . It's not fair.

Reaching home I just cry in my room. Mom comes in seeing me cry she asks "what happened?"

"Its not fair, why does she get the modeling opportunity and I don't . Why do I have to get married and she doesn't. " I say while sobbing in my mother's arms.


It happened, mom said that Tejal should also get engaged to someone and I agreed.
The reactions were not what I expected, I thought my family would understand how it's not fair for me.

Instead when Tejal ran to her room everyone began shouting.

"Calm down" I mumbled , no one heard me over the screaming match mom and dad are having.

Occasionally my brothers comment too.

"Shut up and calm down. " I say a little louder than before , no one heard.

"Shut up. " I shout,  this time everyone heard.

"SHUT UP JUST SHUT UP. WHY Do.." I began but am interrupted by Xander

"Where are you going?" He said, to this everyone's attention shifted to the entrance of the living room, where Tejal is standing with her suitcase.

Then she ran towards the entrance, making everyone else follow her. Mom and aunt stay with me in the living room.

Wow, she again had to make everything about her.

Few minutes later everyone returned with Tejal and four people I don't know . Well not exactly but I do know the girl, she is in student council, she hangs out with Tejal.

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