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I saw cam pull up to my drive way.

"Ready to go Hazel grace?" He smiled

"That's not my middle name" I argued. (By the way it's Elizabeth)

"Ik I just like saying that" he smirked

I rolled my eyes.

I didn't like Cameron like THAT. He was my best friend.

"We are here" he said while parking the car

I took off my crop top and shorts which left me In my bikini

Cam whistled.

"Shut up" I laughed

I looked at the water slides and smiled.

Cam and I walked to the front and bought our tickets to get in.

When we walked in, cam called his friend

" Hey Nash where are you? We just entered?"

Who is Nash? I thought.

"Okay see you there" I heard Cameron say before he hung up.

"They said to meet them at the closest dipping dots." Explained cam.

Cam and I walked to the dippin dots and he yelled "NASH" and ran over to a group of guys

To be honest I thought they were pretty cute.

"Hey guys this is my best friend hazel" said cam

I smiled and wave.

A guy with highlights in his hair came up to me

"Hi I'm Nash" he said

"Hi" I said

There was this really HOT guy who told me his name was jack gilinsky
And he pointed to a blond guy and said his name was jack Johnson.

Then another two people came up to me and said that their names were Aaron and Matthew

Two more said that their names were Taylor and carter and they shook my hand.

And last there was this dark haired boy with beautiful blue eyes who looked kinda like Nash.

"Hey I'm Hayes" he told me

His voice was amazing.

"Im Hazel " I smiled

"Hey Hazel and Hayes yall are about the same age... well close. Hazel is 18 and Hayes just turned 20!"

(a/n this is in the future btw)

"Two years apart" said Hayes " I can do that " he winked.

I blushed.

"Well come on let's go! Cameron yelled.

I was walking next to Cameron and I couldn't stop thinking about Hayes.

"Let's go on that one!" Yelled Nash while pointing to the highest and biggest ride at the water park

My stomach dropped. I hate heights.

"Um that's too high" cam said "Hazel can't do heights."

"No it's okay I'll go" I said

We all ran to the slide

"It says we need to ride with a partner." Said cam.

"I CALL JACK" said jack g

Then Matt and Aaron partnered up

Then Taylor and carter partnered up.

"I CALL CAM" yelled Nash

"Wait what about Hazel? Asked cam

"I'll go with her" said Hayes.

I blushed again.

"WELL COME ON LETS GO" yelled Taylor.

We all climbed up the stairs with our two person inner tube.

Hayes was carrying ours.

"So you from around here?" Hayes asked me

"Actually I just moved to Cali with my mom. I lived in Texas my whole life. Houston Texas. What about you" I asked.

"I lived in North Carolina my whole life. I just moved here for my brother Nash. "

I knew they were related.

"Oh cool" I said

"So how do you know cam?" He asked

I told him the story about me meeting Cameron.

"So you had no idea who I was" he laughed

"Not a clue" I smiled


I could tell she liked me. She would blush a lot. I thought she was cute but I just wanted to mess with her for now.


I Watched Taylor and carter go down the slide.

Cam and Nash were next

"Hazel are you sure" cam asked

"Yes I'm fine I'm just really scared." I said

"Don't worry Hayes will be there" Cameron winked

Soon it was Nash and cams turn

"We'll see you down" said cam.

I smiled and watch them slide down screaming.

"Next" mumbled the life guard.

My stomach dropped.

Hayes placed the inner tube down on the slide. then we both got in. me in the front and him in the back.

"Ready set go!" Mumbled the life guard.

Hayes pushed us down with his body

I closed my eyes, held on tight, and started screaming.

"Open your eyes!" Hayes yelled.

I opened my eyes and stopped screaming. My stomach dropped and I felt like throwing up.

Hayes placed his hand on mine and I felt a little better.

We finally reached the bottom and our tube flipped over.

Hayes body fell onto mine and we fell into the small pool

I tried to get up but someone picked me up bridal style and brought me out of water.
I wiped off my eyes.

It was Hayes.

He set me down and I started to laugh.

"How was it" cam asked.

"Let's do it again." I smiled.

I didn't know (Hayes Grier fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now