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*3 weeks later*

My mom was happy I was moving out.

She literally packed all my stuff and called a movers truck.

Maddy wanted to come to my new house to see Hayes. I just rolled my eyes. Maddy had a HUGE obsession with The guy.

I packed the last of my stuff. And put it in the car my mom got me. It was a Honda Accord. She just wanted me to move out faster.

I drove to my new home and Hayes was already there

"Hey" I said.

"What's up" he responded.

Hayes and I played rock paper scissors over the master bedroom.

I won of course.

I walked in my room and unpacked.

The movers came and brought in our new furniture.

We both agreed on white couches.

They moved my new California king sized bed in my room because my other bed was over 8 so I needed to replace HAHAHA.

ANYWAYS... cameron came over and helped us unpacked.

He brought a toaster for us. LMFAO it matched our kitchen.

I kinda started to really like Hayes. He was really sweet. Cameron obviously knew and he would always tease me about it.

we finished in unpacking and I decided just to relax the rest of the day.

Cam stayed over for a while then he left.

I was watching a movie until Hayes decided to pull a prank on me.

He was video taping me and he threw a water ballon at my face.

"HAYES" I yelled and watched him post it on vine.

I read some of the comments
And there was some good and bad ones like :

@Hayesgrierslove - aw that's a cute couple.

@Mrsgrier101 - she seems like a basic bitch

@Grierboysarelife078 - he can do better

I ignored the comments and put down my phone and watched the rest of the movie.

After the movie I went to my room and got out a bottle of silly string.

I walked slowly to Hayes room while video tapping. I bursted through the door and sprayed the silly string on him. He stood up and I ran.

He chased me into my room but before he could get In I locked the door.

"OPEN THE DOOR" he yelled.

"Why" I laughed

"Because I wanna show you something" he said.

"No!" I responded.

I heard his footsteps walk away so I went out.

Right when I walked out, Hayes grabbed me by my legs and carried me to his room.

He threw me on the bed and started tickling me.

I was laughing so hard I couldn't breathe.

He looked straight into my eyes and leaned in for a kiss.

I didn't stop him.

I threw him off of me and ran to the living room and sat in the couch. He came down and sat next to me. We decided to watch the notebook and halfway through the movie I fell on Hayes shoulder.

I felt safe.

I didn't know (Hayes Grier fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now