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*hazel pov*


we needed one more week of our tour to be done.

One day later after Hayes and I made up was when we toured to Wisconsin.

Some of my cousins lived there

We took a very LONG ride on the tour bus and we talked about stupid stuff until Their manager called Nash.

He put him on speaker.

M= manager
N= Nash.

M- hey Nash I have good news.

N-what is it

M- our ratings went up by a lot and it's because of that girl who kissed Hayes!

Everyone looked at me.

N- and?

M- we would like her on stage at the next tour. Do you have her email?

N- why don't you just talk to her

Nash said while handing my the phone looking confused.

M- hello! Your name please?



M- hello Hazel I'm the manager of the boys and the owner of digi tour would like you to be apart of digi tour you would get paid the same as the rest and I was going to ask you if I can be your manager.

Everyone was staring at me in shock.

My chin dropped.

H-umm sure!

M-great is there any way I can contact you??

I gave him my number and my Email.

M-talk to you later!

*end of conversation*

I handed Nash is phone back.

"Welcome to the family!" Taylor said while hugging me.

Everyone seemed excited except for Carter.
I don't know what was wrong with him.
He just stared at me with a dirty look.

Hayes kissed me and put his arm around me.

"Let's play truth or dare." Said Matt.

Everyone agreed and Taylor went first.

"Hazel truth or dare" said Taylor

"Umm truth" I said

"Is it true that you secretly like cam?" He questioned

Hayes looked at me.

"No I like Hayes" i proclaimed

"Mhm" murmured Matt

"I don't!" I roared

"Liar!" Teased jack j

"I really don't!" I protested.

"Sure you don't" mocked cam.

"Oh really?" I replied " so this means I like you?"

I climbed onto Hayes lap and wrapped my legs around his waist and grabbed his face and kissed him.

We kissed for about a good 30 seconds.
I turned around and saw cams face bright red.

"Well I guess she doesn't like you" Taylor assured cam.

We all laughed and continued playing till we got bored.

*skips to arriving at hotel*
Once we got to the hotel it turns out Hayes and I were sharing a room with Taylor

I can tell all the boys were starting to come around and be friendlier to me.

They all thought I was a slut for switching between cam and Hayes. But I found my place and it was with Hayes.

Everyone was starting to treat me like their little sister because I was the youngest.

Everyone except Carter. There was something wrong with that guy.

When we got to our hotel rooms Hayes told me he had something important to say.

"On the day you got mad at me and when you left after you saw Madison and I, I made Madison leave right after. Once she left she forgot her phone. I unlocked her phone and went through the messages between her and cam." Hayes confessed while showing me the screen shot on his phone of Camerons and Madisons conversation.

My eyes began to water.

Cam was trying to split us up all along. 

He even used Madison.

I grabbed Hayes phone and stormed down the hall to cams room.

All the guys were in the room including Taylor.

"Came back for more?" Cam smirked.

"Do you think this is a joke!" I yelled with anger while handing him the phone showing the screen shots.

All the guys crowed by cam reading the screen shots.

"Awh dude that's messed up" blurted Taylor. 

"This whole time I thought she was the slut but really you" Matt said while dropping is jaw in disbelief and putting his hands on his cheeks.

"Your sick" I spat at cam.

"Hazel," cam whined.

"You tricked me!" I yelled. "You made we believe that you cared!"

I took the phone from Cam.

"I do care!" Responded cam.

"Don't talk to me ever again!" I said. I snarled with rage and stormed out the room.

All they guys followed me except cam and Carter.

We went to my hotel room and we all made videos the rest of the day.

I hated cam.

I didn't know (Hayes Grier fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now