Chapter 39

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I crawled out of bed and checked the time.



"Hayes wake up." I said while shaking him.

He got up and I showed him the time and he got out of bed and went to the restroom.

Today was the day of digi tour.
Where I was going to tell everyone the news.

Once Hayes got out I walked in.
I changed into some clothes and curled my hair.

After I was ready I texted cam

Me: thanks for waking me up😒

Cam: we are still at Elizabeth's 😁

Me: whatever bye.

*end of conversation*

Since we were leaving at two, I went to the boys hotel to wake them up. None of them were there.

I called Carter and he told me they were at the beach and they lost track of time.

I rolled my eyes and waited for Hayes to get ready.

After he was ready I called Kate.



me: is alexa with you

Kate: yes. And Madison.  😒

Me: wow okay be right there.

Hayes and I walked outside and called a cab.

The cab drove us to digi tour and we walked backstage to meet alexa and Kate.

Once we found them, shortly after, all the guys showed up.

All of the boys went on stage while the girls sat at a couch in the back.

I can hear the screams of all the girls. 10 minutes into the show, Hayes decided to call me on stage.

"Hey guys you all know my beautiful girlfriend Hazel right?" Hayes said into the mic.

Everyone cheered as I walked onto stage.

"Well.... she has an announcement to make" he said.

How could he do this. I mean, I was going to tell them but when I felt like it. Would harm come to us? My stomach dropped as Hayes handed me the mic and my eyes widened as I gazed upon the crowd of screaming teenage girls.

"I'm pregnant" I said really fast while closing my eyes.

The crowd stayed silent for about 5 seconds

Then I everyone started to cheer and I heard some boos.

I handed the mic to Hayes and he pulled me in for a hug.

I smiled at him and ran off stage scared they were going to throw something at me. I ran and sat next to Kate and alexa.

I can't believe I just did that.

*a/n hey guys sorry this is short but I ran out of ideas. Can you guys please give me some? Also my crush asked me out.😏😏 hehe.*

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