Chapter 40

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A/n so you know that guy I liked? Who asked me out? He broke up with me. Asked me out again. Then broke up with me again. Like tf. Now he wanna be friends with benefits does he even know what that means?? Smh😒 anyways imma update because it's Monday.

* 8 months later*
Hazel POV
So I'm due this week. The baby can be here any day.  I found out the gender. It's a boy.

Hayes is scared. He doesn't feel like he is ready. I can see it in his eyes. I'm tired of his act. We got into a HUGE ARGUMENT so bad that I have been living with cam and Nash for a month now. Cam has been acting like my baby daddy.

He makes me breakfast. Kisses my belly. Cuddles with me.

I haven't heard one word from Hayes since the argument.
.... I think he broke up with me... I think I'm dating cam. But I'm in love with Hayes.  Not cam.

Snap out of it Hazel. Just relax. No stress.

*phone buzzes*
Hayes: hey
Me: what do you want.
Hayes: what are we?
Me: you tell me.
Hayes: I'm sorry...
Me: whatever. If you were sorry you would be here for me. You are non existing to me and the baby. You have to prove you are sorry. Not through a text message.
Hayes: what do you want me to do? Specifically.
Me: you've done enough. Bye Hayes.

*end of conversation*
I put my phone down and sat down on the couch. Sharp pains were urging in my tummy.

"Hey babe." Said cam while walking downstairs

"Guess who apologized.." I mumbled

"You deserve better" said cam

"Thank you cam but I don't kn-" I was inturpted by a bunch of water rushing down my legs.

"CAM!!!" I screamed in pain


Nash ran downstairs and grabbed the keys to the car. He hopped in the front seat and cam walked me to the back.

"BREATHE!" Yelled cam

"Where's Hayes???"I cried.

Nash drove to the hospital and on the way there he called Hayes.

"OF COURSE SHE WANTS YOU THERE!" Nash yelled on the phone.

We finally reached the hospital and cam helped me out of the car and rushed me in a room. 

10 minutes later and the baby was almost here. It was time to push. I squeezed cams hand
"Alright I need you to push" he told me.

"I CANT. HE IS NOT HERE!" I yelled squeezing cams hand.

I looked at the door and saw a boy rush in.

"HAYES!" I screamed while letting go of cam.

"Im so sorry baby" he said while rushing over to me and grabbing my hand.

"ITS FINE!" I yelled while tears coming down my cheeks.


With a couple more push I finally had my child.
It was a beautiful baby boy :
Jonah Xavier Grier

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2017 ⏰

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