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I looked at alexa and Carter. 
They were yelling at each other but I couldn't hear what they were saying.

I looked down at the Carter Reynolds jacket I was wearing. My wrist was stinging so I picked up my sleeve to see blood all over my wrist. 
The room started to get dark and I saw Carter run over to me.
He picked me up bridal style and my eyes closed.

*end of dream*
I sat up really fast.
I was all sweaty and I was breathing heavily.
I looked up at Hayes who was sitting up.
"What's wrong?" He asked while laying me back down and wrapping his arms around me.

"She had a bad dream" Taylor muttered from the other bed

"How do you know?" I asked Taylor.

"Probably because you were screaming no no no" he mumbled back.

I rolled my eyes and got up out of bed.

I Changed into some clothes and I Curled my hair (outfit above)

I heard Taylor yell from his bed.


" no I'm not" I responded loud enough so he can hear me. 

Hayes got out of bed and walked to the restroom I was curling my hair in.

He went to the toilet, picked up the seat, pulled down his pants and peed. 

"HAYES!" I yelled while closing my eyes and walking fast out the restroom.

"What babe!"  He yelled from the restroom 

He flushed the toilet and washed his hands. He walked out of the restroom and I gave him a 'disappointed look' (you know the look your mom gives you when you get in trouble) 
He smiled and kissed my cheek.
I sighed  and walked back to the restroom to finish curling my hair.

Once I was done I walked out the restroom and sat next to Hayes.
"Let's go to an amusement park" I told him while pushing his hair back.

Taylor jumped out of bed. "I WANNA GO TOO!" He said like a five year old.

"We will all go." I said.

I walked out of the hotel room and left them to get dressed.

I walked to Carter and Aaron's room because it was the closet to me.

I woke up Aaron and told him about the amusement park. He got up and went to the restroom.

Then I looked at Carter who was sleeping I walked up to him and I felt like I have did this before.

Déjà vu huh.

I shook him awake and he opened his eyes and smiled at me.

I feel like that's not the first time he had smiled at me but it was right?

" just like old times" he smiled.

"What?" I asked so confused.

His smile faded.

"Never mind" he said while sitting up.

" anyways we are going to an amusement park. You can come if you want." I told him. 

He nodded his head and got out of bed.

I walked out of their hotel room and went to cams and Nash next  

I ran in their hotel room and jumped on cams bed. 


Nash sat up and sighed and cam got up and rolled his eyes at me. 

I ran to jack and jacks room and jumped on gilinsky's bed.

I yelled at them about the amusement park or carnival and they smiled at me and got ready.

I ran to matts and shawms room and before I could say anything Matt yelled at me

I laughed and jumped on his bed anyways.

Matt finally got up and I looked at Shawn who was still asleep.

I picked up a pillow from matts bed and threw it at Shawn.

"Shawn wake up!"  I said.

"Whyy" he moaned.

"We are going to the carnival!" I told him.

"Can't you just take Matt and cam" he asked me.

I threw another pillow at him. 

"Alright alright I'm up" he said while sitting up.

I smiled and went to Alexa's hotel room

She was already up and dressed.

I told her about the plans for today and she smiled.

Alexa always knows what to say so I told her about my dream.
"Just ignore it" she told me.
So I did
*alexa pov*
Hazel told me about the nightmare she had.
But It wasn't a night mare.
It was a memory.
It was coming back.
She told me about how Carter said "just like old times"

He was giving her clues.
Carter and Hazel used to have a thing after him and Maggie.

They dated. Until Hazel saw the video.
I posted it for her and she saw that Carter was hurting so she hurt herself.

After I told Carter about us posting the video he got so mad at me.
But not at Hazel.

One day Hazel took it too far. She was bleeding like crazy and I took her to Carters hotel room he was staying in at Texas.

She had on a Carter jacket and her wrist was slashed.

I went to carters room and carter stood there yelling at me.

We both got into a big argument and we weren't looking at Hazel.

Until Carter notice her fall to the floor.

He picked her up and rushed to the hospital. After the hospital her mom signed her up for therapy. When I heard about the therapist erasing her memory I went to her house and threw away all the stuff she had about magcon and about Carter.
Including his jacket.

I didn't know (Hayes Grier fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now